PLIC理论支持15872个interrupt context,在多CPU场景中,PLIC会仲裁所有处于pending状态的外部中断请求,然后将仲裁“胜出”的一个外部中断请求notification给所有的CPU,CPU收到PLIC 的notification后,会向PLIC claim相对应的外部中断源的ID,一旦拿到ID,就会清除该外部中断源的pending状态,所以当多个CPU争抢一个ID时只有一个...
M模式的mip.meip,S模式的sip.seip位表示是否有对应的plic外部中断产生。如果M模式外部中断已经委托到S模式处理,则只有sip.seip置位,mip.meip不再置位。 所以plic的寄存器,对于不同的hart context都要一份,即M模式需要一份,S模式需要一份,后面可以看到plic寄存器的布局就是这么来的。 如下图所示,每个hart都有...
由 guest 所在的 U mode 陷入到 S mode 中,首先将 pc 切换到由 stvec 寄存器指向的中断向量地址,这段指令将会执行一段上下文切换代码,将需要保存的 guest 寄存器保存到一段 Trap Context 地址中(由 hypervisor 进行分配与维护,将在内存虚拟化章节中进行详细讲解),随后跳转到陷阱处理子系统...
To reduce latency, the PLIC core presents all asserted interrupts to the target in priority order, queuing them so that a software interrupt handler can service all pending interrupts without the need to restore the interrupted context. 查看RISC-V Compliant Platform Level Interrupt Controller详细介绍...
AndesCore™ D25F-SE is a 32-bit CPU IP core that supports ISO 26262 ASIL B level functional safety for automotive applications. Approved based on the functional safety assignments of a Safety Element Out-of-Context (SEooC), which includes the ISO 26262 compliant development process and the ...
d1(clint+plic) 本文分析的d1上的clint编程模型,将能够很好的理解riscv的中断编程的设计。 图片上概述了相对标准的RISCV中断控制部分的机制,对于D1单核的情况来看,CLINT只负责处理软件中断和时钟中断,因为这两个中断是RISC-V架构中定义的。经过CLINT不需要进行任何的仲裁,直接将中断(Software与Timer)送入D1的RISC...
AndesCore™ D25F-SE with AE350 Platform D25F-SE pre-integrated with PLIC, timer, debug module, and configurable AE350 AXI/AHB Platform D25F-SE processor core certified for functional safety usage Safety package for safety developments AE350 platform for design references...
Set a PLIC interrupt line as pending. For more info, see "4. Interrupt Pending Bits" of the riscv-plic specs. For context, this can be used for SMP IPI / mailbox drivers: intc: plic: implement riscv_plic_irq_set_pending() … c1ca2ac ycsin requested review from carlocaione, n...
plic-context dcache-timing-w-tlb icache-bank-interleave pmp-parallel JWrong-bug-fix timing-dcache-2 fix-crossPageFault paddr-width refactor-config fma-pipeline bug-fix fix-ldld-vio fix-pagefault-mmio fix-crossline-pagefault tlb-hit-samecycle ...