cd nuclei-linux-sdk#the followingcommandmight fail due to network connection issue#you cancloneless code with --depth=1#you can also try some github mirror tech, searchinbaidu/google#ifstill not working, you can try our preparedsourcecode(maybe out of date), see
'-isystem', 'linux-headers', language: all_languages) endif add_project_arguments('-iquote', '.', '-iquote', meson.current_source_dir(), '-iquote', meson.current_source_dir() / 'include', language: all_languages) sparse = find_program('cgcc', required: get_option('sparse...
If you have good network access to github, you can clone this repo using commandgit clone -b dev_nuclei_5.10_v2 Otherwise, you can try methods provided#10 If https is not stable, you can try ssh, please search about git clone ssh/htt...
Nuclei Demo SoC is mainly used for evaluation, which can be configured to use Nuclei RISC-V Core. If you want to run linux on Nuclei Demo SoC, you will need UX600 or UX900 RISC-V Core present in it. The rootfs used in this SDK is initramfs format. ...