若缺少路径,可直接将下面路径直接复制粘贴过去:${eclipse_home}toolchainRISC-V Embedded GCCbin ...
c:/efinity/sdk_windows/riscv-xpack-toolchain_8.3.0-2.3_windows/bin/../lib/gcc/riscv-none-embed/8.3.0/../../../../riscv-none-embed/bin/ld.exe: build/ti60f225_oob.elf section `.bss' will not fit in region `ram' ram: 2363296 B 1 MB 225.38% c:/efinity/sdk_windows/riscv-...
RISC-V系列MCU使用的工具链是xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC。 在配置交叉编译工具链之前,需要下载得到GCC工具链的安装包,然后解压即可,也可配置环境变量。 GCC工具链下载地址:https://github.com/xpack-dev-tools/riscv-none-embed-gcc-xpack/releases/ 根据自己的主机选择相应的版本,下载完成解压即可。 2.2 B...
rustup target add riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf 1. 安装GDB 调试器 下载riscv-none-embed-gcc ,要用里面的 riscv-none-embed-gdb 作为调试器。 下载tgz 类型的文件,解压,然后将 /path/to/gnu-mcu-eclipse/riscv-none-gcc/x.y.z-xxx/bin 添加到 PATH 路径。 gdb-multiarch 目前似乎不...
cdmy-project xpm init#Only at first use.xpm install @xpack-dev-tools/riscv-none-embed-gcc@latest ls -l xpacks/.bin This command will: install the latest available version, into the central xPacks store, if not already there add symbolic links to the central store (or.cmdforwarders on...
1.9.在弹出的GNU RISC-V Cross Toolchain对话框中,使用默认选项,Toochain name:GNU MCU RISC-V GCC(riscv-none-embed-gcc),Toolchain path:${eclipse_home}toolchainRISC-V Embedded GCCbin,点击Finish 1.10.至此一个基于Running_led的一个最小工程就创建完毕了,在点击Finish后需要稍等片刻,等待工程创建完成;创建...
RISC-V GCC 安装这部分比较简单, 在 /opt 目录下建一个 gcc-riscv 目录, 将工具解压后复制过去, 设置好相应的权限, 路径在后面配置 Makefile 的时候需要使用, 用 --version验证一下是否正常/opt/gcc-riscv$ /opt/gcc-riscv/wch-riscv-embed-gcc/bin/riscv-none-embed-gcc --version...
riscv-none-embed-gcc专门为嵌入式使用的gcc交叉编译工具链。官方网站:https://gnu-mcu-eclipse.github.io/toolchain/riscv/可以直接下载 linux 的二进制执行程序,以及 windows 的安装包。这个一般要搭配 GNU MCU eclipse 工具一起使用。因为这个工具,直接提供执行程序,因此就不介绍了。
cdmy-project xpm init#Only at first use.xpm install @xpack-dev-tools/riscv-none-embed-gcc@latest ls -l xpacks/.bin This command will: install the latest available version, into the central xPacks store, if not already there add symbolic links to the central store (or.cmdforwarders on...
riscv-none-embed-gcc -T riscvp2.ld -Os -o hello.elf hello.c The-T riscvp2.ldsays to link for the P2. Other options are as usual for GCC. The output file will claim to be a RISC-V ELF file, but at its very beginning will be the P2 JIT compiler, which is P2 code. This...