C930 通用性能算力达到 SPECint2006 基准测试 15/GHz。什么概念?倪光南院士指出,RISC-V 要真正进入高性能计算市场,RISC-V 以 SPECint 2006 软件测试,必须跑出超过 15 分的高性能标准。因此,C930 迈出了 RISC-V 里程碑式的一步。此外,C930 搭载 512 bits RVV1.0 和 8 TOPS Matrix 双引擎,将通用高性...
^space-mit/riscv-ime-extension-spec https://github.com/space-mit/riscv-ime-extension-spec ^riscv-admin/integrated-matrix-extension https://github.com/riscv-admin/integrated-matrix-extension ^Enhancing convolutional neural network computation with integrated matrix extension https://riscv-europe.org...
A matrix extension proposal for AI applications under RISC-V architecture - riscv-matrix-extension-spec/demos/README.md at master · XUANTIE-RV/riscv-matrix-extension-spec
spec remove matrix-scalar instructions remove matrix-vector instructions which vector operand is indexed by scalar register change misa definition add float pointwise instructions add some integer pointwise instructions add integer float conversion instructions add matrix memory model update pointwise instructions...
[5] 玄铁MME扩展指令介绍:https://riscv.org/blog/2023/02/xuantie-matrix-multiply-extension-...
C930 通用性能算力达到 SPECint2006 基准测试15/GHz。什么概念?倪光南院士指出,RISC-V 要真正进入高性能计算市场,RISC-V 以 SPECint 2006 软件测试,必须跑出超过 15 分的高性能标准。因此,C930 迈出了 RISC-V 里程碑式的一步。 此外,C930 搭载512 bits RVV1.0和8 TOPS Matrix双引擎,将通用高性能算力与 AI ...
multi-core configuration. It boasts high performance and RISC-V vector computation advantages. SG2380 also incorporates SiFive Intelligence X280 and a Vector Cooperative Processor Interface Extension (VCIX), integrating Sophgo's AI/ML hardware design. With complete software toolchain support from RISC-...
The 64-bit server-grade RISC-V CPU core X100 delivers a single-core performance of >9 points/GHz on SPECINT2006 at 2.5 GHz 12 nm. X100 supports the RVA23 Profile, full virtualization (Hypervisor 1.0, AIA 1.0, IOMMU), RAS features, Vector 1.0 extension, vector encryption and decryption, ...
for the FFT and matrix multiplication benchmarks), while if the cache hit rate remain constant they typically show a CW behavior. An explanation for this is presented in [90] and reported in Fig. 8 (left). Let us consider a program that reads the variable A, then the variable B and ...