原文:The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume II: Privileged Architecture Chapter 2: Control and Status Registers(CSRs) Document Version 20211105-signoff 只是个人笔记,有错误还请指出。 第二章目录:…
RISC-V SiFive U74MC手册 CLINT相关总结 This chapter describes the operation of the Core-Local Interruptor (CLINT). The U74-MC Core Complex CLINT complies with The RISC‑V Instruction Set Manual, Volume II: Privileged Architecture, Version 1.10. 本章描述了Core-Local Interruptor (CLINT)的操作。
As described in the “C” Standard Extension for Compressed Instructions in Volume I of this manual, the C.EBREAK instruction performs the same operation as the EBREAK instruction. ECALL and EBREAK cause the receiving privilege mode’s epc register to be set to the address of the ECALL or...
the U74-MC Core Complex is provided in Table 101. Note that this is not a complete description of mstatus as it contains fields unrelated to interrupts. For the full description of mstatus, please consult The RISC‑V Instruction Set Manual, Volume II: Privileged Architecture, Version 1.10....
原文:The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume II: Privileged Architecture Chapter 1: Introduction (Document Version 20211105-signoff) November 19, 2021 虽然是翻译但其实本质上还是个人笔记... 所以一切请以最新的官方标准文档为准。其实之前也有大佬翻译过,但是后来版本更新了,所以我想在加深理解RISC-V spec...
*关于RISCV的中断和异常处理可参考《The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume II : Privileged Architecture》 BOOTROM(程序只读储存器) 图7 BOOT-ROM PVS332具有一个片上BOOT-ROM,如图7,在BOOT-ROM里面预置了开机启动代码,系统复位后处理器首先执行该ROM里面的程序,通过修改该BOOT-ROM里面程序的内容可...
本文档中内容遵循规范 * The RISC-V Instruction Set ManualVolume II: Privileged ArchitectureDocument Version 1.12-draft 在RISC-V架构中,提供了三种权限模式:M(machine mode)、U(User mode)和S(Supervisor mode)。M模式拥有访问全部地址的权限,为了防止不可信代码执行特权指令,引入了U模式。
根据RISC-V标准文档《The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume I: Unprivileged ISA》,RISV异常处理的具体过程是由EEI(RISC-V execution environment interface)决定的。 首先我们必须明确一个观点,RISCV的特权等级分为三个层次,分别是M模式,S模式,U模式。SBI运行在M模式,操作系统内核运行在S模式,应用程序运行在...
浮点扩展规格说明在《The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume I: Unprivileged ISA》的Chapter 11和Chapter 12。 1.4.1 浮点寄存器 如果包含F(单精度浮点)或D(双精度浮点)扩展,则还有32个独立的浮点寄存器(f0-f31)。 F扩展每个寄存器32位,D扩展每个寄存器64位。