2. 机器模式的中断处理 void interrupt_handler() { uint32_t cause = read_csr(mcause); if (cause == TIMER_INTERRUPT) { handle_timer_interrupt(); } else if (cause == EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT) { uint32_t irq = PLIC_CLAIM(); // 读取 PLIC,获取最高优先级的中断 if (irq == UART_IRQ) { ...
Non-maskable interrupt,不可屏蔽中断,与之相对的就是可屏蔽中断。NMI 都是硬件中断,只有在发生严重错误时才会触发这种类型的中断。 有同学可能接触过 Linux 中的软中断,即softirq,但是请注意 software interrupt 与 softirq 是完完全全不一样的。如果你没有接触过 softirq 就请现在就暂停本文去了解一下,否则把 Lin...
xnxti是CLCI协议新增的一个CSR寄存器,目的是为水平场景下的中断处理(horizontal interrupt)提供服务。xnxti寄存器的全称是:Next Interrupt Handler Address and Interrupt-Enable,从这个命名中可以看到该寄存器涉及两个功能点:中断使能以及中断服务程序入口,它们分别对应的是xnxti寄存器的写入行为以及读取行为。目前协议规定使...
Synchronous exceptions that occur from within an interrupt handler will immediately cause program execution to abort the interrupt handler and enter the exception handler. Exceptions within an interrupt handler are usually the result of a software bug and should generally be avoided since mepc and mca...
When processing of the interrupt is complete, program execution resumes back to the original program execution location. For example, a timer that triggers every 10 milliseconds will cause the CPU to branch to the interrupt handler, acknowledge the interrupt, and set the next 10 millisecond ...
la x3, interrupt_vector_table add x3, x3, x1 # Get the address of the specific interrupt handler jr x3 # Jump to the interrupt handler handle_exception: # Handle exception li x2, 0x7FFFFFFF # Load mask to clear the highest bit ...
void uart1_handler(void) { //判断UART1中断的原因:校检错误/tx水印/rx水印 unsigned int irq_case; irq_case = UART1_REG(UART1_IP); switch(irq_case) //判断中断原因 { case 0x2: //rx水印 printf("\r\n UART1 receive watermark interrupt\r\n"); ...
A RISC-V chip can implement a standard interrupt controller with one interrupt handler, or use a vectored interrupt controller where a vector table is used to determine what interrupt to execute. In this article we will focus on standard interrupt controllers and how Embedded Studio handles them ...
reg_ttrap_handler(reg_tepc,reg_tcause){reg_treturn_pc = epc;reg_tcause_code = cause & MCAUSE_MASK_ECODE;if(cause & MCAUSE_MASK_INTERRUPT) {switch(cause_code) {case7:uart_puts("timer interruption!\n");timer_handler();break; ...
void external_handler() {//get the highest priority pending PLIC interruptuint32_t int_num = plic.claim_complete;//branch to handlerplic_handler[int_num]();//complete interrupt by writing interrupt number back to PLICplic.claim_complete = int_num;// Add additional checks for PLIC pending ...