HI3861使用 五线JTAG+DTM 或 两线SWD+CoreSight 形式进行OpenOCD Debug 基于https://github.com/riscv/riscv-openocd/releases/tag/v2018.12.0 进行适配RISCV-CoreSight 目录讲解 bin/ 存放openocd.exe+依赖的dll bin_dir/ 存放需要烧写的HI3861的bin,包括SWD/JTAG,示例 BUILDTIME 编译时间 drivers/ 驱动+工...
Arm的 CoreSight 尽管自诞生以来一直有所演进,但是它的起源也可以追溯到 20 世纪后期。这些调试标准都不是面向运行频率在 GHz 的现代多核、多线程CPU 设计的。 因此,对于 RISC-V 处理器跟踪调试小组以及整个社区来说,定义出新的跟踪调试标准可谓一箭双雕。首先,它可以摆脱历史包袱,让您在一张空白的画布上从零开始...
voidConfigTargetSettings(void){/// Specify AP map and where to find each AP in the CoreSight address space://JLINK_ExecCommand("CORESIGHT_AddAP = Index=0 Type=AHB-AP BaseAddr=0x00002000");// AP0: AHB-AP that connects to Cortex-M4 core in chipJLINK_ExecCommand("CORESIGHT_AddAP = Inde...
(SoC-400) ; Configure APB base address ; of RISC-V debug module SYStem.Up ; Reset the target, stop the ; core at the reset vector and ; enter debug mode For additional configuration examples of a RISC-V system integrated into an Arm CoreSight SoC-400 system, please see chapter "Debug...
此外,SiFive的Insight跟踪和调试块的预集成将加快Arm的CoreSight工具的使用,SiFive说:“通过与CoreSight无缝集成,开发人员可以将基于SiFive Risc-V的内核集成到现有的混合指令集设计和维护开发环境中中。 Insight是业界首个针对RISC-V处理器内核的预集成调试和跟踪IP。” ...
Our TRACE32 tools support both the proprietary SiFive Nexus Trace Encoder and the proprietary Tessent Trace Encoder. In both cases, the trace IP is also supported when it is integrated into an Arm CoreSight trace infrastructure. Wide Support of RISC-V Off- and On-Chip-Trace ...
Arm. Vitra-XS works with Ashling’s RiscFree™ SDK for advanced embedded system debugging, tracing, profiling & analysis and supports RISC-V debug & trace standards including E-Trace & N-Trace (including SiFive Insight Trace and Debug IP) and also Arm CoreSight™ debug & trace....
SM8250 Coresight components are described SM8450 sound and Soundwire blocks are described, and enabled on HDK. CPU supply clock is described, to satisfy the DT binding and the opp-framework. A wide variety of updates to align with DeviceTree bindings across many/most platforms is introduced, ...
rustarmjlinkriscvdebugstlinkcoresightdaplinkprobe-rsarm-coresdebug-probes UpdatedMar 3, 2025 Rust SonicBOOM: The Berkeley Out-of-Order Machine scalaberkeleyboomrocket-chipchiselriscvrtlriscv-boom UpdatedMar 1, 2025 Scala An Agile RISC-V SoC Design Framework with in-order cores, out-of-order ...
曾任职于 Arm ,负责 CoreSight SoC, Cortex-M 系列的技术支持。为上百家公司提供专业技术服务。 直播时间: 2025-1-16 19:00——20:00 直播介绍: 面对持续增长的智算需求,RISC-V N-Trace(基于 Nexus 的跟踪)技术在 RISC-V 性能优化中起到了关键作用。我们有幸邀请到来自劳特巴赫的曹龑,与达摩院玄铁...