${EFINITY_HOME}/bin/setup.bat (2)再转到embedded_sw//tool路径下,并把bootloader.bin文件拷贝到该文件夹下,运行指令,打开浮点生成8个bin,f设置为1 python3binGen.py -b bootloader.bin -s-f (3)生成的初始化bin文件在tool/rom文件夹下; 5、将步骤4中的rom文件夹里的bin替换工程中的bin文件 --- 方法...
介绍如何安装、升级 EIPS200B边缘计算开发板的bootloader。科技 计算机技术 AI 视频教程 教程 RISC-V 边缘计算 RISC-V老兵李博士 发消息 从事芯片设计30余年,近年围绕RISC-V从事规划,方案和应用的工作 关注5 RISC-V老兵李博士 1/7 UP主的全部视频 bootloader的安装与升级part2 0播放 bootloader的安装与升级...
An operating system plus a UEFI bootloader, all written in Zig. Currently targetting and testing on:QEMU (arm64 + riscv64) with U-Boot The U-Boot build is included in the repository, and is based on patch series adding QFW and QEMU ramfb support on Arm. I'm hoping to land this ...
kexec based bootloaders on RISC-V - Use-cases 1 RISCV国际基金会 171 11 1-在RISC-V开发板上创建Debian系统镜像2. StarFive 8424 179 #RTT设计大赛 音乐播放器 @xinshuwei 电子发烧友论坛 6791 196 【RISC-V专题】DFRobot Beetle ESP32-C3开发板试用#RISC-V开发板评测 硬声评测 5556 135 麻雀上网线...
The HiFive1 is an Arduino-Compatible development kit featuring the Freedom E310, the industry’s first commercially available RISC-V SoC.I spent last night building a new Ubuntu VM, then cloning and building the GitHub repos for the tool chain. A few hours later it now says "Hello World" ...
硬声是电子发烧友旗下广受电子工程师喜爱的短视频平台,推荐kexec based bootloaders on RISC-V - Use-cases 2视频给您,在硬声你可以学习知识技能、随时展示自己的作品和产品、分享自己的经验或方案、与同行畅快交流,无论你是学生、工程师、原厂、方案商、代理商、终端商.