比如lw就为 Load global,表示为global位置的load,w表示word,RISCV中 1word=4Bytes=32bits,lw a5,-20(s0)表示将内存中-20(s0) 的值取到a5寄存器中,a5、s0均是其ABI Name,方便用户理解,对应关系也在Handbook中 分析其函数调用,可以得到如下关系,深入《深入理解计算机系统》(CSAPP) 3.7.1 栈帧结构 介绍了这...
RISC-V堆栈寄存器用的是x2,这在 The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume I: User-Level ISA Chapter 20 RISC-V Assembly Programmer’s Handbook 约定。在没有“C”扩展的情况下,理论上讲可以使用x1~x31中的任何一个寄存器作为堆栈寄存器,使用x2仅仅是软件接口上的约定。引入“C”扩展的情况...
更多这样的指令可以参考Chapter 20 RISC-V Assembly Programmer’s Handbook ,这个Handbook中定义了大量的伪指令,大部分伪指令都使用了x0作为操作数。
In Nuclei SDK, the Nuclei MCU Software Interface Standard (NMSIS) is a vendor-independent hardware abstraction layer for micro-controllers that are based on Nuclei Processor Cores. For more details about this handbook, please click https://doc.nucleisys.com/nuclei_board_labs Use it in Nuclei St...
This is a handbook for Nuclei Board Labs which is a part of courses in Nuclei University Program. This handbook describes how to develop with Nuclei Development Board through a step-by-step way,it can be used as lab teaching metarials. Anyone interested in Nuclei Processor Cores can also ta...
This is a handbook for Nuclei Board Labs which is a part of courses in Nuclei University Program. This handbook describes how to develop with Nuclei Development Board through a step-by-step way,it can be used as lab teaching metarials. Anyone interested in Nuclei Processor Cores can also ta...
RISC-V的handbook中文版,做编译器后端的必备资料 上传者:weixin_42680139时间:2021-09-30 RISC-V官方手册和相关资料(特权架构 & 非特权架构 & 中文资料) 包含三份资料:RISC-V特权架构规范 & RISC-V非特权架构规范 & 中文手册 上传者:qq_44182115时间:2022-01-20 ...
European Cooperation for Space Standardization - ECSS: ECSS-Q-HB-60-02A Space Product Assurance - Techniques for Radiation Effects Mitigation in ASICs and FPGAs Handbook, 1 edn., September 2016 9. Gupta, S., Gala, N., Madhusudan, G.S., Kamakoti, V.: SHAKTI-F: a fault tolerant ...
Wrap-up Who Am I n The main translator of the book «Gray Hat Hacking The Ethical Hackers Handbook, Fourth Edition» (ISBN:9787302428671) «Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks, First Edition» (ISBN: 9787115544384) n Pure software developmement for ~15 years n Actively participate in ...
RISC-V的handbook中文版,做编译器后端的必备资料 上传者:weixin_42680139时间:2021-09-30 The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual 伯克利大学开源处理器 http://riscv.org/ The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual 上传者:hdtjpu时间:2014-08-30 RISC-V官方手册和相关资料(特权架构 & 非特权架构 & 中文资料) ...