Use our Disassembler and assembler to debug the code of any RISC-V core design including all ratified ISA extensions. To support custom RISC-V ISA extensions, we can extend our disassembler, assembler and all other affected components in our toolchain. ...
Based on this wrong instruction word the disassembler delivers a wrong mnemonic. Having seen that, I forced non-32-bit reads using the 'mem8' and 'mem16' commands. Those force 8-bit and 16-bit accesses when displaying the memory content. 'mem', if executed on a 32-bit aligned address...
完成汇编器移植,Javascript 成功编译 runtime function (js 运行时函数);SpiderMonkey 可以执行 Hello world 程序; 完成disassembler/Simulator (反汇编器和模拟器)的移植,可以方便在 x86 的机器上调试 ; 逐一实现 macro-assembler 中定义的函数并通过全部 jittests 测试 ([17425| 0| 0| 0] 100% ===>| 240.6s...
What is Decompilation? Android Decompiler Demo Deck (NEW) Native Decompiler Comparisons (OLD) Dalvik VM Bytecode Reference Windows PDB Reference Simatic S7 STL Opcodes Reference Cut down on reverse engineering time: use our interactive RISC-V decompilers to analyze RV32/RV64 binaries. ...
Capstone disassembly/disassembler framework for ARM, ARM64 (ARMv8), Alpha, BPF, Ethereum VM, HPPA, LoongArch, M68K, M680X, Mips, MOS65XX, PPC, RISC-V(rv32G/rv64G), SH, Sparc, SystemZ, TMS320C64X, TriCore, Webassembly, XCore and X86. ...
Disassembler (objdump) behaviour A RISC-V ELF binary is not currently self-describing, in the sense that it doesn’t contain enough information to determine which variant of the RISC-V architecture is being targeted. GNU objdump will currently attempt disassemble any instruction whose encoding matche...
Example: VPU.Set V8_E2 0x12345678 ; Write to vector register v8, sub-element #2 ©1989-2024 Lauterbach RISC-V Debugger | 43 CPU specific SETUP Command SETUP.DIS Disassembler configuration Format: : SETUP.DIS [] [] [] [RegNames | AbiNames] [...
NASM is an asssembler/disassembler for the x86 CPU architecture portable to nearly every modern platform, and with code generation for many platforms old and new. GAS is the assembler used by the GNU Project for the default back-end of GCC. It is used to assemble the GNU operating system ...
All other tools are aware of the new instruction, so assembler and disassembler, debugger, and profiler can recognize the byteswap instruction as well. Let’s look at the implementation in HDL. Studio supports three major HDL languages. They are SystemVerilog, Verilog, and VHDL. The genera...
What sort of tools should I use in C++ to create a simple RISC-V disassembler? I am looking to create a simple RISC-V disassembler in C++. The goal is to be able to take a .bin file, composed of separate bytes in hexadecimal, and parse those bytes into readable, formatted RISC-V....