Venus is a RISC-V instruction set simulator built for education. Using Venus Venus is available online. Features RV32IM Single-step debugging with undo feature Breakpoint debugging View machine code and original instructions side-by-side Several ecalls: including print and sbrk Memory visualization...
venusis a RISC-V instruction set simulator built for education. Using venus venus isavailable online. Features RV32IM Single-step debugging with undo feature Breakpoint debugging View machine code and original instructions side-by-side Severalecalls: includingprintandsbrk ...
Why RISC-V ? model Web Simulator Spike Sail ...
This Visual Studio Code extension embeds the popularVenus RISC-V simulator. It provides a standalone learning environment as no other tools are needed. It runs RISC-V assembly code with the standard debugging capabilities of VS Code. To use it as educational tool, further views are added as ...
This Visual Studio Code extension embeds the popular Venus RISC-V simulator. It provides a standalone learning environment as no other tools are needed. It runs RISC-V assembly code with the standard debugging capabilities of VS Code. To use it as educational tool, further views are added as...
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": "venus", "request": "launch", "name": "Debug current file", "program": "${file}", "stopOnEntry": true, "openViews": [ "LED Matrix" ] } ] } You find an example that draws the RISC-V logo here. Toy Robot LED Matr...