RISC-V-Reader-Chinese-v2p1 RISC-V手册(中文) RISC-V开源指令集的指南 RISC-V 手册 一本开源指令集的指南本书是由 RISC-V 设计者 DAVID PATTERSON等亲自写的书。书写的非常精彩,和Risc-V一样非常简洁明了,没有废话,书本身也不厚,114页也就把Risc-V的指令架构给讲清楚了。由包云岗等几位老师翻译成中文...
http://crva.ict.ac.cn/documents/RISC-V-Reader-Chinese-v2p1.pdfcrva.ict.ac.cn/documents/RISC-V-Reader-Chinese-v2p1.pdf 这是Risc-V设计者DAVID PATTERSON等亲自写的书。书写的非常精彩,和Risc-V一样非常简洁明了,没有废话,书本身也不厚,114页也就把Risc-V的指令架构给讲清楚了。我大概花了3...
这本书是中文翻译版,原书的名字叫《The RISC-V Reader: An Open Architecture Atlas》,是RISC-V国际社区在官网上推荐的学习RISC-V四本书其中之一。这本书在官方网站上公开过中文翻译的免费版本,具体地址:The RISC-V Reader: An Open Architecture Atlas,这个版本应该是中文版的第1版,对部分内容进行了校正且添加...
原作名:The RISC-V Reader: An Open Architecture Atlas 译者:勾凌睿 陈璐 刘志刚 译 出版年:2024-1 页数:240 定价:89 装帧:平装 ISBN:9787121464096 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 内容简介· ··· 书中首先提出一款指令集的7项评价指标,包括成本、简洁、性能、架构和实现分离、...
The RISC-V Reader is a concise introduction and reference for embedded systems programmers, students, and the curious to a modern, popular, open architecture. RISC-V spans from the cheapest 32-bit embedded microcontroller to the fastest 64-bit cloud computer. The text shows how RISC-V followed...
RISC-V-Reader-Chinese-v2p1RISC-V手册(中文)RISC-V开源指令集的指南 RISC-V手册一本开源指令集的指南 本书是由RISC-V设计者 DAVID PATTERSON等亲自写的书。书写的非常精彩,和Risc-V一样非常简洁明了,没有废话,书本身也不厚,114页也就把Risc-V的指令架构给讲清楚了。由包云岗等几位老师翻译成中文了。
The RISC-V Reader 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 David Patterson retired after 40 years as a Professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley in 2016, and then joined Google as a distinguished engineer. He also serves as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of the RISC-V Foundation. In...
Praise for The RISC-V Reader: “I like RISC-V and this book as they are elegant—brief, to the point, and complete.”C. Gordon Bell, a computer architecture pioneer “This book tells what RISC-V can do and why its designers chose to endow it with those abilities.”Ivan Sutherland, ...
Praise for The RISC-V Reader: “I like RISC-V and this book as they are elegant—brief, to the point, and complete.”C. Gordon Bell, a computer architecture pioneer “This book tells what RISC-V can do and why its designers chose to endow it with those abilities.”Ivan Sutherland, ...
因为这次研讨会,David Patterson 和Andrew Waterman 编写了影响力很大的RISC-V手册《The RISC-V Reader》,封面是达芬奇名画《蒙娜丽莎》。后来David Patterson希望将这本书翻译成中文时,谭章熹又找到了之前帮助发表过RISC-V中文文章的包云岗,包云岗欣然接受了这一任务,组织团队完成了《RISC-V手册》的翻译。