Synopsys is a strategic member of RISC-V International and has been supporting processor IP development and optimization for the best PPA for leading-edge designs for over three decades.
【台灣新竹】─2022年6月29日─AndeSight™ IDE v5.1提供應用開發、除錯和分析的強大功能,適合用於異構RISC-V多處理器(multiprocessor),包括晶心先進的RISC-V超純量多核 A(X)45MP和RISC-V向量處理器NX27V。為了支援具有對稱多處理(SMP)的作業系統,除了提供獲RISC-V和晶心平台充分支援的Linux SMP以外,...
工具包括:GAP8 RISCV GNU工具链 和 PLPBRIDGE。 GAP8 RISCV GNU工具链是从RISC-V项目中继承的预编译工具链,支持用户对RISC-V指令集架构的扩展;PLPBRIDGE是PULP项目的一个工具,允许GAP8 AI 处理器与PC之间通信,可以实现如:编程、控制GAP8,使用GDB调试应用程序,对GAP8 闪存进行编程,并且官方也加入了很多自己的...
We are at the leading edge of a global transformation in processor design. Based in Europe, we provide the most innovative companies on the planet with a proven alternative to the norm. Our custom compute enables you to differentiate with customizable, high-quality RISC-V and design automation ...
RISC-V如何解决硬件碎片化的问题? 1导言 最近几年RISC-V的大火,让IC行业开始关注RISC-V这个迅猛发展的架构,但提到这个年轻的架构,大家最先想到的是,薄弱的生态,硬件的碎片化。RISC-V从发展之初就旨在提供高度模块化和可拓展的指令集,用户甚至可以自己拓展指令集,这种灵活性有利于特定方向的芯片优化。但随之而来的...
We are bringing our expansive suite of tools and design resources to you at the RISC-V Summit, November 7–8 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. Stop by our booth to chat with our experts and Mi-V ecosystem partners and learn more about how we can supp
SiFive推出用于实时应用的RISC-V处理器内核 SiFive希望利用RISC-V的商业机会,RISC-V是一种开放式芯片架构,可以挑战更封闭的竞争对手,如Arm和Intel。今天它宣布推出SiFive Core IP 7系列。 这些高性能RISC-V内核专为嵌入式设备和实时应用而设计。7系列包括E7,S7和U7系列。SiFive Core IP E7系列提供具有硬实时功能的...
Based on the design goal of ultra-low-power embedded applications, this paper proposes a pipeline structure of a processor based on RISC-V instruction set architecture. Taking into account the compromise between power consumption and performance, the main body uses a two-stage pipeline, and was ...
As long I had some good experience with experimental 16-bit RISC cores for DSP-like applications, I started code the DarkRISCV only to check the level of complexity and compare with my risclized-68000. For my surprise, in the first night I mapped almost all instructions of the rv32i ...