The Sapphire SoC suite of RISC-V processors is fully supported by the Efinity software, which provides a complete tool flow from RTL design to bitstream generation, including synthesis, place-and-route, debugging, and timing analysis. The software has a graphical user interface (GUI) that provide...
基金会成员数量超过275 个,分别来自28个国家,覆盖52.44%的世界人口,基金会向世界展现的宗旨是“将RISC-V技术推广至从微控制器到高性能计算等各个领域的计算设备中去”,通过基金提供的机构型成员属性和主营业务分类来看,主要覆盖了Silicon IP,Design Service,Foundry,Tool chain,Software and Cloud Service,Consulting及...
Imperas is the leading provider of RISC-V processor models, hardware design verification solutions, and virtual prototypes for software simulation. Imperas, along with Open Virtual Platforms (OVP), promotes open-source model availability for a spectrum of processors, IP vendors, CPU architectures, syst...
2. 选择RISC-V子集和扩展 RISC-V基础指令集被分为不同的“扩展”,例如整数指令(I)、乘法和除法...
实现大部分 RISC-V RV32E 指令集 实现大部分RISC-V RV32I指令集(缺少csr*、e和fence) 在超大规模 ku040 中工作频率高达 250MHz(400MHz 带超频!) 便宜的 spartan-6 高达 100MHz,适合小型 spartan-3E,例如 XC3S100E! 大多数时间(通常是 71% 的时间)可以维持每条指令 1 个时钟 ...
Lauterbach's TRACE32® toolset represents an important milestone for us," explains Marcus Pietzsch, head of the IP Cores and ASIC Design group at Fraunhofer IPMS. "By working closely with Lauterbach, we can now offer developers additional functionality around debugging software on the RISC-V IP...
晶 ⼼心 所有處理理 器都是具可讀性 ( h u m a n - readable),適⽤用於設計⾃自動化⼯工具的Verilog RTL碼,且提供⼯工程師選擇最終配置的 彈性. 「晶⼼心採⽤用RISC-V作為第五代架構AndeStar™ V5的⼦子集,並貢獻⾄至RISC-V社群,」晶⼼心科技技術長暨資深業務副總經理理蘇泓萌博...
3.DesignShare:构建RISC-V生态,汇聚多家供应商的IP和设计工具,包括Rambus, UltraSoC, Brite Semi和Imagination等。在DesignShare项目中提供的IP都存放在云端(微软Azure云平台)的模板中,客户无需下载或传送IP,直接选择调用即可。 4. SoC IP模板:2020年8月,SiFive宣布成立了一个新企业OpenFive。OpenFive为人工智能、...