可以预见的是,RIS-assisted ISAC会是一个非常有意思的研究课题,但可能需要研究者们想一些这种场景下“独特”一点的研究问题,例如ISAC基站-Target没有LoS链路,以及多跳下对Target感知时候感知性能指标的计算方法,还有RIS-assisted双站感知下,利用RIS对于ISAC基站的杂波抑制等。 趁着2nd IEEE JC&S卡住没声来更一波,今天...
Asif Haider, M., Zhang, Y. D., and Aboutanios, E. (2023). ISAC system assisted by RIS with sparse active elements.EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process.2023 (1), 20–22. doi:10.1186/s13634-023-00977-5 CrossRef Full Text|Google Scholar Boulogeorgos, A.-A. A., and Alexiou, A. (202...
RIS-Assisted Integrated Sensing and Communication 截稿时间:2024年2月25日 当前,智能超表面(RIS)和通感一体化(ISAC)技术的发展引起了业界的广泛关注,学术界和产业界在理论探讨、关键技术、实现算法及工程试验等领域开展了一系列研究活动,表明RIS电磁调控无...
RIS-Assisted Integrated Sensing and Communication 截稿时间:2024年2月25日 当前,智能超表面(RIS)和通感一体化(ISAC)技术的发展引起了业界的广泛关注,学术界和产业界在理论探讨、关键技术、实现算法及工程试验等领域开展了一系列研究活动,表明RIS电磁调控无线环境技术、通感一体化、毫米波感知等技术方案能极大提升通信与...
为了提高DOF,文献《An D,Hu J,Huang C.Joint designof transmit waveform and passive beamforming for RIS-assisted ISAC system[J].Signal Processing:The Official Publication of the European Association forSignal Processing(EURASIP),2023.》通过联合优化波形和RIS的相移,提出了基于黎曼流形上的交替梯度下降(AG...
In this paper, we consider an integrated sensing and communications system assisted by a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS). A small number of sparsely placed active sensors are applied in the RIS to perform effective channels and, thereby, enable optimized beamforming for both communications ...
[11]Liao C, Wang F, Han G, et al. Beamforming Design for Hybrid Active-Passive RIS Assisted Integrated Sensing and Communications[J]. IEEE Communications Letters, 2023,27(11):2938-2942. [12]Yu Z. Active RIS Aided ISAC Systems: Beamforming Design and Performance Analysis[J]. IEEE Transact...
TAO Qihui, SU Xin, LIU Bei, et al. RIS-assisted Integrated Sensing and Communication: Joint Design of Beamforming and Reflection Phase Shift[J]. Mobile Communications, 2024,48(3): 61-65. 0 引言 随着万物互联应用需求的不断增加,频谱已...
Active RIS-Aided ISAC (Intelligent Surface-Assisted Communications) systems are a cutting-edge technology aimed at enhancing wireless communication performance. These systems leverage reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) to manipulate signal propagation environments actively. The simulation codes developed ...
TAO Qihui, SU Xin, LIU Bei, et al. RIS-assisted Integrated Sensing and Communication: Joint Design of Beamforming and Reflection Phase Shift[J]. Mobile Communications, 2024,48(3): 61-65. 0 引言 随着万物互联应用需求的不断增加,频谱已成为稀缺资源。通感一体化(ISAC, Integrated Sensing and Commu...