RipVanWinkle-ByWashingtonIrving(1783-1859)RipVanWinkle-ByWashingtonIrving(1783-1859)•Author•PlotSummary•Characters•TypeofWork,Source,andPublicationInformation•Themes•Climax•TheGameofNinepins•Personfication:TheCatskillsasaCharacter•StudyQuestionsandEssayTopics •.AtthefootoftheCatskill...
Rip Van Winkle drinks a brew given to him by elves in the woods. Read more:Plot summary Directors Frank Moser|Paul Terry Writer Paul Terry Producer Paul Terry Composer Philip A. Scheib See all filmmakers & crew (10) Trending Become a member to see MOVIEmeter and news information about Rip...
Plot summary Dutch people playing nine pins (kegelen). Painted 1650-1660 by Jan Steen.The story of Rip Van Winkle is set in the years before and after the American Revolutionary War. In a pleasant village, at the foot of New York's "Kaatskill" Mountains, lives the kindly Rip Van Win...
[1] Plot summary Dutch people playing nine pins (kegelen). Painted 1650-1660 by Jan Steen.The story of Rip Van Winkle is set in the years before and after the American Revolutionary War. In a pleasant village, at the foot of New York's "Kaatskill" Mountains, lives the kindly Rip ...
Read more:Plot summary Director Will Vinton Writers Susan Shadburne|Washington Irving(story) Producer Will Vinton Composers Paul Jameson(musical score)|Billy Scream(musical score) See all filmmakers & crew (11) Trending & News Become a member to see MOVIEmeter and news information about Rip Van ...
2023年整理瑞普.凡.温克尔Rip_Van_Winkle中英文对照与summary(22页) 热度: PlotSummary ByMichaelJ.Cummings...©2006 . ...AtthefootoftheCatskillMountainsofNewYorkwasapicturesquevillagefoundedby Dutchcolonists.Approachingit,onewouldseegabledhomeswithsmokecurlingupfromthe chimneys...
"Rip•Van•Winkle"DutchColonialAmericanHudsonRiverinavillagebackground,describingthepoorpeasantsRip•Van•Winklestrangeexperience.03 PLOTOUTLINE Ripisakindandamiableperson,hisreadinesstohelpothers,butisverylazyathome,relyingonasmallpieceofbarrenlandfarmingfamily.Oneday,hewasaggressiveinordertoavoidthenaggingwife...
Plotsummary Akindhearted farmerRipVanWinkle whohelpedastranger distributewineona mountainslope.He drankalittleandsoon fellasleep.Whenhe wokeandwentbackto thevillage,itwas20 yearslater. Plotsummary Everythinghad changed. Themostimportant changewastheWarof ...
“Rip Van Winkle” distinguishes between labor on its own and productive labor, or that which is profitable. Rip is the most obvious example of someone who labors without profit. He is happy to help in gardens and farms that are not his own—while his own land becomes severely run-down....
It was with some difficulty that he found the way to his own house, which he approached with silent awe, expecting every moment to hear the shrill voice of Dame Van Winkle. He found the house gone to decay[.] Rip expects drama when he returns. He expects his wife to be waiting at ...