riptide vs. rip current riptide noun a tide that opposes another or other tides, causing a violent disturbance in the sea. rip current noun undertow ( def 1 ).About Careers Contact us Cookies, terms, & privacy Do not sell my info Help Follow us Get the Word of the Day every day!
rip tide(redirected from rip tides) Related to rip tides: rip currentrip tide n. See rip current. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. ...
离岸流水道rip channel; rip current channel 底流离岸流under tow 离岸海流offshore current 离岸流的英文是什么 离岸流用英语怎么说 离岸流怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [lí àn liú] 离岸流翻译:离岸流的英文 Rip Current,离岸流也可以翻译为 rip tide,还可以用 offshore current 表示离岸流。 离岸流的意思 离岸流的翻译 离...
rip currentn. 激流 rip current channel离岸流水道 rip intov.猛攻,抨击,穿进,刺入,射入,撕裂 rip away剥开..., 揭开..., 除去... rip bit可卸钻头 rip and tear狂暴,狂怒,横冲直撞,乱闯乱撞 rip to pieces撕碎,扯烂 tide ripn. 潮水冲突时引起的波浪 ...
rip-tide(n.) 也稱riptide,1862年,指“沿海水道等處的強潮流”; 參見 rip(n.2)。自20世紀初以來,它主要用於指從海岸直流而出的強流,這不是潮汐,而在這個意義上糾正它爲 rip current 的嘗試始於1936年。 也來自:1862 相關條目 rip(n.2) "rough water, ridge-like water," 1775年,可能是 rip(動詞...
tide ripn. 潮水冲突时引起的波浪 rip intov.猛攻,抨击,穿进,刺入,射入,撕裂 rip currentn. 激流 rip away剥开..., 揭开..., 除去... rip bit可卸钻头 rip and tear狂暴,狂怒,横冲直撞,乱闯乱撞 rip to pieces撕碎,扯烂 let rip毫无拘束地讲话;自由自在地行动;纵情欢乐;强烈批判 ...
Ariptideis an extremely strong current that occurs when the ocean tide pulls water through a small area such as a bay, lagoon or other confined body of water.Riptidesoccur during the ebb tide and are reversing currents. Ariptideis very hazardous to swimmers. The wordriptideis sometimes rendere...
因此,精确的rip current于1936年引入,但rip tide仍然是流行的术语。 同样来自于: 1775 rip(n.3) "无价值之物",1815年,早期指"劣质或疲惫的马"(1778年,尽管 OED 认为这个早期出现可能是"意外的"),这个词的起源不确定,可能是从俚语rep改编而来,意为"品行不端的人; 邪恶、鲁莽和毫无价值的人"(1747年),...
9c, d). While they are relatively fixed in location for given tide and wave conditions, they can strongly shift location alongshore with different angles of wave incidence and wave periods. Focused rips are favoured by large bathymetric anomalies close to shore and long period waves that enhance...
rip current n. 激流 rip away 剥开..., 揭开..., 除去... rip bit 可卸钻头 rip and tear 狂暴,狂怒,横冲直撞,乱闯乱撞 rip to pieces 撕碎,扯烂 tide rip n. 潮水冲突时引起的波浪 let rip 毫无拘束地讲话;自由自在地行动;纵情欢乐;强烈批判 rip down 撕下,扯下 rip up 把...斯...