#进入Cisco Packet Tracer 把2811型路由器 拖入工作区 #关闭电源,拖入模块 #搭建拓扑 # 按Ctrl键不放拖动可复制出路由器,不然后加的路由还要重新添加模块 #进入PC1 IP地址配置 #配置IP Router> #用户模式 Router>enable #进入特权模式 Router#configure terminal #进入全局配置模式 Enter configuration commands, on...
Cisco Packet Tracer通过配置RIP路由协议和IP地址来划分两个vlan,使其通过局域网无法互相访问,但是通过广域网相互之间可以互相访问,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
This tutorial explains how to configure RIP Routing protocol step by step in detail. RIP is the simplest and one of the oldest Distance Vector routing protocol. Learn how to enable and configure RIP routing in Cisco router with practical example in packet tracer. To explain RIP Routing, I wil...
is.g. 1VLABTVTJJJSVLAH3系统分析本次课程设计主要采用Cisco Packet Tracer工具实现三层交换机RIP的动态路由配置。交换机的基本配置命令:Switch(config)#int ra fa 0/x-ySwitch(config-if-rang)#swit mode accessSwitch(config-if-rang)#Swit access vlan z在交换机内划分 vlanSwitch#show vlan查看设置好的 ...
rnjter42950交换机和2600系列路由器ciscopackettracer软件三实验内容课内实验任务2实验过程0创建拓扑图1采用配置pc1和pc2的ip地址和子网掩码2连接到路由器router3配置路由器的rip命令如下 ? 海南大学信息科学技术学院 实验报告 实验课程:计算机网络 实验名称:动态路由协议RIP与OSPF的配置...
PT 实验(九) 路由器RIP动态路由配置 一、实验目标 ●掌握RIP协议的配置方法;●掌握查看通过动态路由协议RIP学习产生的路由;●熟悉广域网线缆的连接方式;二、实验背景 假设校园网通过一台三层交换机连到校园网出口路由器上,路由器再和校园外的另一台路由器连接。现要做适当配置,实现校园网内部主机与校园网外部...
In RIP version 2, subnet information should be included, but sometimes there can be configuration or compatibility issues. Ensure that your router configurations are correctly set up to advertise subnet information. Additionally, double-check that your subnet masks are configured properly. If you're ...
During this preparation, I build some labs on various topics of Networking with the help of Cisco Packet Tracer. I hope, these labs will help you too during your preparations. (View README for Explanation). ipv6 rip ipv4 labs wireless explanation routing-protocols ccna spanning-tree-protocol ...
Rothgar: Cisco 300-101 blueprint“3.16 Configure and verify RIPv2 3.17 Describe RIPng” Dmitry you forgot about “split horizon with poison reverse” A means “route poisoning” C means “poisoned reverse” How has other opinion is free to try on GNS3 configuration from picture.Dmitry...
DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,动态主机配置协议)通常被应用在大型的局域网络环境中,主要作用是集中的管理、分配IP地址,使网络环境中的主机动态的获得IP地址、Gateway地址、DNS服务器地址等信息,并能够提升地址的使用率。 3、实训环节 3.1、路由器接口配置 ...