Flooding was caused by precipitation associated with the remnants of tropical depression Lowell in the Rio Conchos watershed, the largest tributary to the Rio Grande. Floodwaters approached 1500 m(3)/s (between a 13 and 15 year recurrence interval) and breached levees, inundated communities, and...
Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil, is facing the greatest climate catastrophe in its history. There is an urgent need to evacuate vast flooded areas or areas at risk of flooding, and also to provide supplies and medicine to families who are stranded. Mui...
Controlled Flooding and Staged Drawdown for Restoration of Native Cottonwoods in the Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, USA 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 49 作者:J Bhattacharjee,John P. Taylor, Jr,LM Smith 摘要: Alteration of natural hydrologic regimes of most rivers in the ...
Currently the MRGCD serves about 22,300 ha of irrigated land and provides additional benefits to the Middle Rio Grande MRG Valley by providing proper soil drainage and protection against flooding. In recent years, the demand for water in the MRG Valley has increased drastically due to explosive ...
Background/Question/Methods In this study, we examined interactive effects of nutrient availability, river flow and food web structure on algal growth and species composition in the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico. Algal community dynamics can be affected by both bottom-up and top-down factors. ...
The geomorphic nature of the Rio Grande in the Big Bend region is characterized by episodic disequilibrium consisting of rapid channel narrowing during low flow years, and catastrophic channel widening during large, long duration, decadal to multi-decadal floods. Channel narrowing occurs rapidly, from...
It is possible that fish like the silvery minnow have used these drain outfalls as refuge during main channel river drying. These areas may become increasingly important as consecutive drought years continue, droughts increase in severity, and overbank flooding, oxbow, and backwater habitats ...
Irati Formation (Middle Permian), which outcrops are located in So Paulo state, and a smaller amount is found in Rio Bonito (Lower Permian) and Serra Alta (Upper Permian) formations, from Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina ... S Merlotti,F Kurzawe - Gaea - Journal of Geoscience 被...
The heavy rains produced additionalrunoff, which filled a network of reservoirs on the lee of the SierraMadre in Mexico, as well as along the lower Rio Grande River.Ultimately, the water flowed into a network of floodways in theLower Rio Grande Valley. Flooding impacted a number ofcommunities...
After 1000yrs, the climate became drier, and the deposition and accumulation of overbank muds by the flooding Rio Grande came to a halt. Even though the river has flooded often in historic times, and presumably during late prehistoric times as well, there is little evidence for deposition of...