查询巴西邮政编码95870-000所在城市Bom Retiro do Sul的位置经度和纬度。所在县/郡:4302402,所属市/州:Rio Grande do Sul。
波兰 乌克兰 澳大利亚 新西兰 美国 加拿大 墨西哥 巴西 阿根廷 智利 韩国 新加坡 日本 印度 马来西亚 查询巴西邮政编码 巴西邮政编码95758-000对应的城市地址 邮编地名市/州县/郡(代码)纬度经度地图 95758-000São Pedro da SerraRio Grande do Sul4319356-29.421-51.514Google地图 ...
Convert Time From Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil to any time zone Need to compare more than just two places at once? Try our World Meeting Planner and get a color-coded chart comparing the time of day in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil with all of the other international locations where others wi...
Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil, is facing the greatest climate catastrophe in its history. There is an urgent need to evacuate vast flooded areas or areas at risk of flooding, and also to provide supplies and medicine to families who are stranded. Mui...
RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 22 (Xinhua) -- Brazil's southernmost state Rio Grande do Sul declared a financial emergency on Tuesday, as South America's biggest economy is struggling to fix its fiscal problems. The declaration was published on Tuesday's edition of the state's official journal. The...
2025年2月14日星期五 Country:Brazil State:Rio Grande do Sul Lat/Long:31°46'S / 52°20'W Elevation:15 m Currency:Real (BRL) Languages:Portuguese Country Code:+55 °C Weather 17 °C Sunny. 29 / 16 °C 星期六 15. 28 / 22 °C ...
巴西南大河州Rio Grande do Sul 巴西Brazil 产区简介 PRODUCER DETAIL 位置Location 巴西 土壤Soil 该地区覆盖着各种各样的土壤。在北方,玄武岩含量高的重质粘土一年四季都能保持水分。在南方,沙质土壤由石灰石和花岗岩组成,排水更加自由。 葡萄品种 Grape varitey...
地区代码 +55-51-(31430000...31430999) 位于 Encruzilhada do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), 更多详细信息如下。 位置 国际拨号代码:55 国际前缀:00 国家前缀:0 国内目的地代码:51 用户号码从:31430000 用户号码至:31430999 国内目的地代码长度:2 ...
读取中... 地区巴西 里奥格兰德南里 里奥格兰德 Rio Grande , Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil 时区UTC/GMT -3 小时 目前正实行夏时制,时间拨快 +1 小时 当前时区为 UTC/GMT -2小时 和北京时差晚 10 小时 纬度32°03'_南 经度52°08'_西 世界位置...
SWIFT code contains eight(8) to eleven(11) characters. Primary office SWIFT codes contains eight(8) characters. Branch office SWIFT codes contains eleven(11) characters. The above list is the currently available data of SWIFT / BIC codes of Banco Do Estado Do Rio Grande Do Sul Miami B...