Campina Grande Airport:(174 km) Clear. (1 hour ago) 28 °C Mocoro / 17 Rosado:(248 km) Clear. (1 hour ago) More weather in Brazil Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期日星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六 9 10 View historic weather ...
Country: Brazil State: Rio Grande do Norte Lat/Long: 5°48'S / 35°12'W Elevation: 30 m Currency: Real (BRL) Languages: Portuguese Country Code: +55°C Weather 30 °C Partly sunny.31 / 26 °C 星期一 17. 30 / 26 °C 星期二 18. 30 / 26 °C Weather by CustomWeather, © ...
Planeje sua viagem ao Rio Grande do Norte com as melhores hospedagens e descontos exclusivos no programa de fidelidade All. Hospede-se com Accor!
Rio Grande do Norte geographical name Rio Gran·de do Nor·teˈrē-(ˌ)ü-ˈgrän-dē-dü-ˈnȯr-tē state of northeastern Brazil bordering the South Atlantic; capital Natalarea20,390 square miles (52,811 square kilometers),population3,168,027 ...
Rio Grande do Norte 联赛 2023北里奥格兰德锦标赛甲级Campeonato Potiguar - 1ª Divisão A组Grupo A ABC ABC FC 塞里多波蒂瓜尔 ACD Potyguar Seridoense 迷迭香 Alecrim FC 圣十字(纳塔尔) Santa Cruz FC (Natal) B组Grupo B 波蒂瓜尔(莫索罗)
Current local time and date in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil from a trusted independent resource
Rio Grande do Norte Federal State Hotels Discount. Save up to 70% with instant confirmation for Hotels in Rio Grande do Norte Federal State Brazil. Can't decide how to spend your time in Brazil? Start with a trip to the Federal State of Rio Grande do
巴西Rio Grande do Norte州首府Natal宣传片(中葡字幕) 是在优酷播出的广告高清视频,于2012-07-13 11:59:22上线。视频内容简介:巴西Rio Grande do Norte州首府Natal宣传片(中葡字幕)
Natal, Brazil is the capital city of the state Rio Grande do Norte. The name of the state literally means “The Great River of the North.” It is located in the northeastern part of Brazil and boasts of having the purest and cleanest air in the whole of America. Rio Grande do Norte ...
Natal Photo: Wikimedia, CC0. Natal, the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, is a city on the Atlantic coast.Mossoró Photo: Marcos Elias de Oliveira Júnior, CC0. Mossoró is the second largest city of the state of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil, economically centred on petrol ...