Rio Grande do Norte geographical name Rio Gran·de do Nor·teˈrē-(ˌ)ü-ˈgrän-dē-dü-ˈnȯr-tē state of northeastern Brazil bordering the South Atlantic; capital Natalarea20,390 square miles (52,811 square kilometers),population3,168,027 ...
State:Rio Grande do Norte State Capital:Natal Country:Brazil Time Zones:1 Other years:2021|2022|2023|2024|2025|2026|2027 Daylight Saving Time History in Rio Grande do Norte Detailed history for Rio Grande do Norte is not available before 1970. Statistics below are based on 1970 onwards. ...
Natal, Brazil is the capital city of the state Rio Grande do Norte. The name of the state literally means “The Great River of the North.” It is located in the northeastern part of Brazil and boasts of having the purest and cleanest air in the whole of America. Rio Grande do Norte ...
将“Rio Grande do Norte"翻译成中文 北里奥格兰德州, 北里约格朗德, 北里奥格兰德州是“Rio Grande do Norte"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:One fatal case was reported in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. ↔ 北里奥格兰德州报告发生了一例死亡病例。
Rio Grande n 1.(Placename) a river in North America, rising in SW Colorado and flowing southeast to the Gulf of Mexico, forming the border between the US and Mexico. Length: about 3030 km (1885 miles). Mexican name:Río Bravo
Rio Grande do Norte Federal State Hotels Discount. Save up to 70% with instant confirmation for Hotels in Rio Grande do Norte Federal State Brazil. Can't decide how to spend your time in Brazil? Start with a trip to the Federal State of Rio Grande do
Rio Grande do Norte 联赛 2023北里奥格兰德锦标赛甲级Campeonato Potiguar - 1ª Divisão A组Grupo A ABC ABC FC 塞里多波蒂瓜尔 ACD Potyguar Seridoense 迷迭香 Alecrim FC 圣十字(纳塔尔) Santa Cruz FC (Natal) B组Grupo B 波蒂瓜尔(莫索罗)
北里奥格兰德联邦大学(UFRN)是一所巴西公立大学,由巴西联邦政府资助,位于巴西北里奥格兰德纳塔尔市。 它于1960年12月18日正式成立,包括60个部门,提供70多种不同的本科课程,以及一些研究生课程。根据2012年的排名,它是北里奥格兰德州排名最高的大学,也是全国各大学中最好的大学之一。
Yoruba: Rio de Janeiro Yue Chinese: 里約熱內盧 Zeeuws: Rio de Janeiro Zhuang: Rio de Janeiro Zulu: Rio de Janeiro Historic: São Sebastião do Rio de JaneiroPopular Destinations in Grande Rio Discover Niterói, Duque de Caxias, São Gonçalo and Nova Iguaçu. Niterói Duque de Caxias...
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