PETROBRAS R&D Center (CENPES) and Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ) started out a joint project targeting reactivity assessment of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC鈥瞫) in Rio de Janeiro, with special emphasis on the contribution of vehicular emissions to the local ground- level ozone ...
IBGE (2010) Demographic census. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Accessed Jan 2019 IBGE (2018) Projeções de população: Brasil e unidades de federação: revisão 2018 / IBGE, Coordenação de População e Indicadores Sociais...
IBGE, Rio de Janeiro Google Scholar International Olympic Committee (2014) Olympic Agenda 2020: 20 + 20 Recommendations. IOC, Lausanne Google Scholar Meihy JCSB (1994) Definindo história oral e memória. Cadernos (Universidade de São Paulo, Centro de Estudos Rurais e Urbanos) 5:52–60 ...
The city of Rio de Janeiro has approximately 6.5 million people and is part of the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro (MRRJ), the second largest urban center in Brazil, with approximately 12 million inhabitants (IBGE, 2020). The city is the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro and...
The state of Rio de Janeiro has a total area of 43,780.172 km2, and a population of 15,989,929 inhabitants (365.23 inhabitants/ km2) distributed in 92 municipalities (IBGE, 2013) (Fig. 1). This state is located within the Atlantic Forest biome, recognized by UNESCO as one of the most...
De acordo com o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), há no Brasil 6,5 milhões de pessoas com deficiência visual, sendo 582 mil cegas e 6 milhões com baixa visão. Enquanto estudava na Pontifícia Universidade Católica, de Campinas, Douglas Toledo desenvolveu o...
The population living in the metropolitan area (RMRJ) is approximately 11,3 million people, spread in 5645 km2, in which the current fleet (IBGE, 2004) of 2,2 million vehicles accounts for roughly 77% of the total load of emissions regarding the main criteria pollutants (NOx, PM10, SO2 ...
Rio de Janeiro represents the second largest GDP in the country (and 30th largest in the world in 2008), estimated at about R$343 billion (IBGE/2008) (nearly US$201 billion), However Rio de Janeiro has an unequal distribution of income and one of the cities of Latin America's most ...
Copacabana is a neighbourhood located in the south zone of Rio de Janeiro. It is known for its 4.15 km beach located on the Atlantic shore (Rio Guide, 2015). According to the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, IBGE), 160 000 ...
Petrópolis, located in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is frequently impacted by severe landslides, exacerbated by intense rainfall, steep topography, and unregulated urban growth. This study employs machine learning to assess and predict landslide susceptibility, integrating geological,...