Rio de Janeiro stayed the capital through many political changes, serving as the capital of the independent Empire of Brazil until 1889 and then as the capital of republican Brazil until 1960, when the capital was moved to Brasília. With an estimated GDP of R$343 billion Rio de Janeiro ranke...
This work aimed to study GIS tools in the analysis of traffic accidents involving heavy vehicles on federal highways in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Maps with the regions with greater incidence and severity of accidents are highlighted. The work demonstrated the cap...
Moreover, the spread had most likely already occurred during Carnival, when Zika activity in Rio de Janeiro was at its peak. The coincidence of the Zika virus alert with the celebration of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro increased the impact of the news and amplified its social effects....
Findings It was possible to organize the values and meanings that structure the Rio de Janeiro brand in the semiotic square. Narrative schemes that concretize the value proposition guided mainly by contemplation and experimentation situations were identified. The discursive construction of the Rio de ...
seeking to comprehend the effects on the municipalities and suggest helpful measures geared to achieving more sustainable patterns following the lockdown isolation. The chosen case study is the Metropolitan Area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The study was divided into four distinct phases, namely underst...