The trilogy is based on the book The Lord of the Rings' by J.R.R. Tolkien and follows its general storyline, despite some deviations. Considered to be one of the biggest movie projects ever undertaken with an overall budget of $280 million, the entire project took eight years, with the...
As Arwen struggles with her decision to follow her people to the Gray Havens, the decisive moment isn’t a romantic pang, but a maternal one. She glimpses the son she will never have if she chooses self-preservation over mortality (while perhaps unintentional, it struck me as a strong pro...
Posted by: prekrap on 9/16/2011 5:46:20 AM scenario idea from Wikipedia entry of Queen of Fables:"Unfortunately, countless generations later the Queen was unwillingly released from her prison. The Queen Of Fables is an extremely powerful sorceress and was able to transform Manhattan into an ...