一、单句填空阅读下列句子,按照句子结构的语法性和介词短语、动词短语的固定搭配,用适当的词填空。1. With my daughter's words ringing in my ears, I decided to keep my nine nice nails.2.Although personal growth is what most people focus on, in my opinion, it is incomplete.3.Now she's talkin...
in ringing tones→ en tono enérgico B. N [of large bell]→ repique m, tañido m (liter); [of handbell]→ campanilleo m; [of electric bell]→ toque m; [of telephone]→ timbre m, pitidos mpl; (in ears)→ zumbido m Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition...
Tinnitus (pronounced ti-NIGH-tus), orringing in the ears, is the sensation of hearing ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds. You may hear the noise all the time, or it may come and go, and it can vary in loudness. It may be in one ear or both. It's o...
Many people complain that they develop ringing in the ears after heavy cell phone use or after a smart meter is installed on their home. Others develop “tinnitus” when cell towers or antennas are erected close to their homes. The more exposure people have to these toxic technologically produc...
7. to give or get foreign money in exchange for. 8. to remove and replace the coverings or garments of: to change a bed; to change a baby. v.i. 9. to become different: The nation's mood has changed. 10. to become altered or modified: Colors change when exposed to the sun....
That sensation is a real medical condition called tinnitus, in which people hear noise -- commonly characterized by ringing, hissing, clicking or buzzing in the ears -- but no external sound is present. It is often accompanied byhearing loss, but not always. ...
I could no longer cry out –my voice failed. Or maybe I just did not have the breath to drive it anymore. Don’t know. Don’t want to think about it. “Shit,” I thought. “This is not good.” (Or words to that effect.) Then my ears began to ring loudly. I had never ...
Always use ear protection in a noisy workplace. Treat other health problems.Tinnitus can be a side effect of some illnesses. Staying up to date on treatments may ease the ringing in your ears. Ask your doctor whether any of these conditions might be a cause of the ringing in your ears:...
Just in case you realized Chorus My ears are ringing with love for you I don’t really hear what you’re saying Most of the time All I know is that you Smile dreamy Your eyes gleaming Believe me when I say I’ve tried I can’t get you off my mind ...
Then I take Mr. Groll’s hand in mine and guide it to Chó’s head.___, Mr. Groll pets Chó’s ears. Friendly Chó—good Chó—swings her tail. Our new friendship begins. 1. A.inquireB.greetC.botherD.perceive 2. A.tolerateB...