.. 是形式化的幂级数(formal power series)(不要求收敛),这些形式化的幂级数的集合记为 F[[t]] ,证明 F[[t]] 是环。 pf: 证明F[[t]] 是环的方法可以参考多项式环 F[t] 的证明,形式化的幂级数和形式化的多项式区别在于形式化幂级数可以有无穷多项,这点对证明没有影响。 【artin代数_第二版_11.2...
ring of formal power series 形式幂级数环 formal power series ring 形式幂级数环 formal power series 形式幂级数 formal power series field 形式幂级数域 ring of power series 幂级数环 ring of convergent power series 收敛幂级数环 convergent power series ring 收敛幂级数环 formal power 形式幂...
网络形式幂级数环 网络释义 1. 形式幂级数环 数学专业英语词汇16... ... ring of endomorphisms 自同态环ring of formal power series形式幂级数环ring of integers 整数环 ... e.3edu.net|基于17个网页 例句 释义: 全部,形式幂级数环
ring of formal power series 形式幂级数环 formal power series ring 形式幂级数环 formal power series 形式幂级数 formal power series field 形式幂级数域 ring of power series 幂级数环 ring of convergent power series 收敛幂级数环 convergent power series ring 收敛幂级数环 formal power 形式幂...
Also,the semiring-semimodule pairs of formal power series with coefficients in such a semiring-semimodule pairs is discussed. 讨论了系数在一些半环半模对中的形式幂级数半环半模对,证明了系数为双归纳半环半模对的形式幂级数半环半模对(双μ-半环半模对,双*-μ-半环半模对,双λ-半环半模对,...
目录 词条 专业释义 词条提问 行业词表 推荐术语 longs PERT/cost participation rate free of capture and seizure clause quick ratio词条ring of formal power series专业释义 <数学> 形式幂级数环词条提问 欢迎你对此术语进行提问>> 行业词表 石油纺织轻工业造纸采矿信息学农业冶金化学医学医药地理地质外贸建筑...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: formal power series ring【数】;ring of formal power series【数】 formal power series ring【数】;ring of formal power series【数】分享到: 形式幂级数环分类: 科技词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献...
If K is a field, by means of a sequence S of elements of K is defined a K-algebra K&95;S&91;&91;X&93;&93; of formal series called Newton interpolating series which generalize the formal power series. We study algebraic properties of this algebra, and in the casewhen S has a ...
formal power series ring 形式幂级数环相关短语 condominium (一种公寓产权的形式) 私有共管 international style (一种功能主义的建筑形式) 国际式 rolling and peening (齿面塑变形式) 滚轧与锤击 bonded debt (指以发行公司债的形式而负担的债务) 债券负债 lapped type (指混凝土沉排形式) 重叠式 sun burst...
In other words, we describe all solutions of the translation equation in [[x]], the ring of formal power series in x with complex coefficients. For doing this the method of formal functional equations will be applied. The coefficient functions of solutions of the translation equation are ...