But the following boards and modules are installed in the unit box: - Power supply - LDK-100 PSU, - Expansion boards - GDK-100, DSIB - 1 pc, - -/- LDK - 100/300, CSLIB12 - 3 pcs. - -/- IPLDK - MRBN, SIU/MODU - 1 piece - ring generator module LDK-300 (RSU) - teleph...
Fully Integrated Photonic Microwave Tracking Generator on Heterogeneous Si/III-V Platform. In Proceedings of the CLEO: Applications and Technology, San Jose, CA, USA, 14–19 May 2017; Paper ATu4B-2. 49. Komljenovic, T.; Srinivasan, S.; Norberg, E.; Davenport, M.; Fish, G.; Bowers,...