Not everything was roses inAs Thousands Cheer:In a poignant star turn,Ethel Waterssang—atIrving Berlin’srequest—his famous tune “Supper Time,” a Black woman’s lament for her lynched husband. The revue was the first Broadway show to give an African-American star (Waters) equal billing ...
among us, around us in the dailiness of our lives. For me personally, my creative call is to produce art that inquires. And the inquiry starts as soon as a new piece is conceived. When a new blank white canvas confronts me, daring me to make that first mark...
But don't blame Turnstile for the success that gave them such opportunities. It would've never happened without GLOW ON, the invigorating parent album to the song in question, "Holiday," which features insightful lyrics about losing oneself that run contrary to its craven corporate use. "Beauty...