VALUE "InternalName", "AcSmartSpeed.dll"VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright ? 2016 AlcoholV"VALUE "LegalTrademarks", ""VALUE "OriginalFilename", "AcSmartSpeed.dll"VALUE "ProductName", "Ultra Fast"VALUE "ProductVersion", ""VALUE "Assembly Version", ""}}BLOCK "VarFileInfo"{...
我就直接把隐藏电线MOD里的空白贴图复制过来改好名字,自己创建好文件夹放到Core\Textures\Things\Pawn\Animal\Husky和LabradorRetriever下,游戏会自己读取新的贴图。如果你要改替换原版的东西,就要修改def里的默认贴图位置,先后把新的贴图改好名字放到相应的位置即可。 3楼2018-12-29 18:32 收起回复 琴瑟在御 ...
- Fix: "Child labor: Encouraged" precept applies work speed bonus to all believers, not just children.- Fix: Pollution goodwill loss during Archonexus questline.- Fix: Ultraheavy boss mechs are never targetable by lances.- Fix: Enslaving a pawn removes unwaveringly loyal.- Fix: 'Missing ...
Centipede blasters can be gestated by a mechanitor at a large mech gestator once the ultra mechtech research project has been completed. Note that this research requires a nano structuring chip to unlock. Each requires 255 Steel, 355 Plasteel, 8 Components, 1 High subcore and 6 gestation ...
In the open, however, they suffer from a sensitivity to light, slow speed and poor eyesight at distance.After the first tunnel colonies failed due to the stress of confinement, colonization agencies began genetically altering colonists to live without open space or sunlight. This xenotype are ...
Описание The Empire has arrived. Their refugee fleet settles the rimworld, and seeks allies. Their honor-bound culture wields hyper-advanced technology, while bowing to the ancient traditions of kings and queens. Colonists can complete quests to earn honor with the Empire. Honor brings...
Essential: “We have the technology for safer childbirth and faster childhoods.” 30% quicker growth speed in growth vats. Negative mood when naturally pregnant or with a child outside of a growth vat. Prohibited: “Growth vats rob children of their childhood.” Unable to build growth vats....
WalkSpeedProperty "行走速度" MinFoodQuality "最低食物品质" Diet "饮食" BodySize "体型" RecruitDifficulty "招募难度" MarketValue "市场价值" Covers "覆盖" CoverEffectiveness "掩体效果" CoverEffectivenessExplanation "在枪战时该物体所能提供的掩体效果,更高的数值能够挡住更多的伤害。" MedicineXpGainFactor...
WalkSpeedProperty "行走速度" MinFoodQuality "最低食物重量" Diet "飲食" BodySize "體型" RecruitDifficulty "招募難度" MarketValue "基本價值" Covers "掩護" CoverEffectiveness "掩體效果" CoverEffectivenessExplanation "作為掩體在槍火中能發揮的掩護效果,百分比越高可提供越好的掩護能力。" MedicineXpGainFactor...
Research benches display research speed factors on the inspect pane instead of work speed. Clicking the "Need research" alert opens the research tab. Draw the light radius of torches, braziers and lamps in yellow when placing or selected. New pawns will always be placed to the right side of...