--- Damage adaptation growth rate--- Damage adaptation effect新的叙述者难度设置,可以自定义更多东西,比如---叙述者忽略了财富,取而代之的是时间因素。这可以使游戏很容易地脱离轨道,但适合那些想要纯粹挑战的人。---玩家误伤几率。---殖民者被秒的几率。这个设置允许你应用一个伤害过滤器来防止殖民者被一枪...
<MeditationPlantGrowthOffset> 冥想中植物生长速度偏移:应用于植物(如灵草)在受冥想影响时的生长速度偏移。这个值可以根据附近的人工建筑的数量而改变。【文化DLC】<SlaveSuppressionOffset> 压制下降率偏移:应用于佩戴者的奴隶压制度下降率的偏移量。压制度越高,压制奴隶的时间越长,而压制度越低,奴隶的反叛就越频繁...
It could pass in a few weeks, or it might last many months.''" '''Volcanic winter''' lowers the [[temperature]] and natural [[light]],which in turn weakens [[solar generator]]s and slows plant growth. They also appear to significantly reduce the inflow of wildlife (observed in a ...
Added stats for crop growth rate, age, and lifespan and the length of time to clean filth on surfaces Added a "cut all blight" command to blighted plants. Added prisoner recruitment last resistance reduction info in prisoner tab. Added “research bench required” alert. Added build hopper com...
婴儿长得快(尤其在发育舱“growth vat”的作用下),他们很快就会走路、社交,同时得自己解决生活上的麻烦。他们得在教室里学习,或是去端详成年人的实践操作,从中汲取生存、烹饪、社交、艺术、建造、手工、狩猎和战斗的经验,还得涉足艺术、自然、技术之类的事来解闷。他们会长大、犯错、痛失所爱,艰难求生。童年越...
Plant cut/harvest time now depends on the plant's growth Removed scyther blade Mechanoids now always die on downed Nutrient paste dispensers are now orange when they can be used by prisoners Doing passionate work now affects mood instead of recreation ...
Stimulates growth in the regions of the brain related to psychic interaction, thus increasing psychic sensitivity. --> <PsychicSensitizer.description>一个安装在人体的心灵敏化装置。</PsychicSensitizer.description> <!-- EN: a psychic sensitizer --> <PsychicSensitizer.labelNoun>一个心灵敏化装置</...
They grow up fast (especially if you use a growth vat) – soon your child will be walking, talking, and getting into trouble. They’ll soak up knowledge in the classroom and tag along with adults to watch them work. Kids find many ways to entertain themselves with art, exploring nature...
Fix: Building_GrowthVat doesn't set itself as allowedNutritionSettings parent in ExposeData().Fix: Error trying to execute colonists after banishing them.Fix: Unstuffed gas mask doesn't have armor set up correctly.Fix: Addiction withdrawal effects are not listed in the hediff's tooltip....