有没有什么加强近战的..楼上说的技能平衡攻速那个,MOD名称melee weapons speed and damage。格斗技能等级和小人操作属性都会影响近战伤害加攻击后摇,低级格斗很弱高级格斗很强。同样可调。
6. Medieval Persona Weapons —— 中世纪人格武器;7. Parry Galore & Parry Galore Patch Medieval Overhaul —— 增加了一个格挡功能,可以抵御近战或者远程伤害。格挡成功率取决于小人的格斗技能;8. Tastier Armory - Medieval European Armors —— 增加西欧风格的盔甲;9. Tastier Armory - Steppe Warriors ——...
近战防御 This defence uses only melee weapons to defend against endless number of enemies with just 3 colonists. The walls fill funnel in the enemies in so that they would start attacking the door, they will be slowed down by the Rock chunks, when they are attacking the door the colonists ...
如果愿意打mod,可以打一点正义的mod。妖怪村那个近战,配合近战高加攻速(melee weapons:speed and damage),近战高格挡远程(super melee),以及解除技能等级上限(ducks' insane skills),养两三个强力近战就可以杀得空投手无缚鸡之力了。而且近战还不怎么会破坏场景,自家巷战好用的很 来自Android客户端8楼2022-09-07...
2Mod versions 3Mod source 4Polls 5Def Compatibility 6GunModMCM Compatibility 6.1Inactive weapon removal 6.2Weapon crafting 6.3Categorization 6.3.1Simple ThingDef compatibility/requirement 6.3.2Adding new WeaponsMelee/WeaponsRanged subcategories 6.3.3Adding new categorizable ThingCategoryDefs ...
ModDiff Modders Deserve Credit, too More Melee Weapons! More Practical Traits Numbers Numbers Trait AddOn OgreStack_zh OgreStack PET FOOD PLUS Pawn Rules Pharmacist Prepare_Landing_zh Prepare Landing Research Info RimCore——Prostheses+前置 Prostheses+——大量新的仿生部件 ...
has quality = True | work to make = 12000 | work speed stat = General Labor Speed | weaponTags = NeolithicMeleeAdvanced, MedievalMeleeAdvanced, Spear }} The '''spear''' is a [[Weapons#Melee Weapons|melee weapon]] that does a large amount of sharp [[damage]] with high {{AP}}. =...
更新MOD:确保所有MOD都更新到最新版本,因为这些错误有时是由于旧版MOD不兼容导致的。禁用MOD:逐一禁用上述列表中的MOD,重启游戏并观察问题是否依然存在,以确定哪个MOD可能导致了冲突。查看MOD兼容性:检查MOD之间的兼容性,特别是那些有补丁的MOD,例如 RunAndGun, RatkinWeapons, VoidEvents, DubsMintMinimap, Vanilla...
有无大佬能推荐几个目..melee animation给近战加了个有cd的终结技,由于默认在终结技过程中隐身,在没有反隐手段的边缘世界几乎相当于每过一段时间无敌几秒,高格斗小人甚至一个终结技秒杀一只蜈蚣也不在话下。
Name: 'Melee Weapons: Speed and Damage' Name: Melee_Weapons_Speed_and_Damage_zh Name: Bury_On_The_Spot_zh Name: Callouts- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.callouts Name: Callouts_zh- Id: com.yayo.rimstocks2 Name: Yayo's Bank- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.rimstocks2 Name: Yayo's_Bank_zh- Id: va...