In the early game, however, it is ideal to set the medical policy so that all pawns on the map only get basic doctor treatment. This allows precious medicine to be stockpiled for emergencies and operations, rather than wasted on minor injuries. No medical carethis...
0.10.785- Health tab now displays overall bleeding rate. 0.12.906- Added way to enable/deny medicine in different qualities to any colonist, prisoner, or tame animal. 0.13.1135- Sick people in bed can now watchTV Categories: Stubs Health...
Medicine:How well the character can act like a doctor, patching up injured colonists and animals. Cooking:How well and fast the character can butcher animals and cook food for the colonists. Construction:How well and fast the character can build or tear down structures. Growing:How well and f...
New permit Glitterworld medicine drop: Call down some glitterworld medicine. New permit Silver drop: Call down some silver. New permit Food drop: Call down some food. When forming a caravan, animals now instantly go to the caravan packing spot instead of waiting for a colonist to take them...
Carrier: These chunky helpers will haul things where they need to go. Clawer: Vulnerable but fearsome, the clawer specializes in damage dealing. Barkskin: Slow but tough, the barkskin soaks hits for your other fighters. Woodmaker: Generates wood over time. Medicinemaker: Generates herbal medici...
>Smart Medicine: stock up on medicine and tend to pawns in field (bugged with drugs, use drug policy to keep drugs on your pawns instead) >Stabilize Here: tend to downed pawns right where they are instead of taking them ...
This is important if you worship trees and hate to chop them down!Medicinemaker dryads have large bulbs on their backs that sprout herbal medicine.Berrymaker dryads gradually shed piles of ripe berries.也不是所有的树妖都是战斗专精的,另一些则更适合后勤工作。搬运树妖是温柔的大块头,能够帮你搬运...
RimWorld is an independent construction and management game. Screenshot: Game Review: RimWorld is a prime example of a great game that does not have to hav
Carrier: These chunky helpers will haul things where they need to go. Clawer: Vulnerable but fearsome, the clawer specializes in damage dealing. Barkskin: Slow but tough, the barkskin soaks hits for your other fighters. Woodmaker: Generates wood over time. Medicinemaker: Generates herbal ...
experienced a mental breakdown and now did everything naked to keep himself happy) rushed out to rescue Min, who was lying in a bloody heap, writhing in unbearable pain. He took her to the clinic, wrapped her in bandages and made sure she got everything she needed - medicine, food and...