The animals can't enter doors, but if they see a colonist run behind a door, they will attempt to beat down the door. Unlike with scaria, the manhunter status will end when the animals need to sleep. This event has a variation that only affects a single animal, which is not ...
The pawn will then become uncontrollable and shirk work tasks for a short while, or even worse, they will attempt to sabotage the colony. A breaking colonist may be interrupted by arresting or downing them. There are three levels of severity for mental break events: minor, major, and ...
For you action-lovers out there, Ideology provides even more opportunities for combat. Every belief system holds a few select special objects as relics. Send your colonists out on multi-part quests to find and collect the relics that you believe in. Your colonist may have to fight...
Those with proselytizing beliefs will do this much more intensely - which can lead to conflict. Depending on traits, some people are much easier to convert than others. You can bring everyone in your colony to one belief system, or try to keep a diversity of beliefs to capture the benefits...
Tree connection: A majestic ceremony where a colonist connects with a Gauranlen tree, giving them the ability to command the dryads inside.Gauranlen treesA unique type of tree called the Gauranlen tree will occasionally sprout near your colony. These majestic orange trees have a symbiotic relat...
Tree connection: A majestic ceremony where a colonist connects with a Gauranlen tree, giving them the ability to command the dryads inside. Gauranlen trees A unique type of tree called the Gauranlen tree will occasionally sprout near your colony. These majestic orange trees have a symbiotic ...
The rocket swarm turret is a defensive launcher – when triggered, it blankets a wide area in a barrage of small missiles. It must be activated by a colonist to fire. Added new gas system and health conditions. Rotten corpses and meat now release disgusting rot stink gas. Colonists that ...
Well, it doesn’t. So that led me to question whether it was intentional. There is nothing that cures shattered ribs either, for example – they just permanently reduce the amount of torso damage a colonist can take before collapsing/dying. ...
There are two factors you will want to consider for livestock (solely for food production): nutrition efficiency and production rate. Nutrition efficiency[edit]This refers to how effectively the animal converts nutrition consumed to nutrition produced (either by milking or butchering). The grass on...
Terrain, flooring, objects, and plants attribute to a tile's beauty, which in turn can affect a colonist's mood. The contents of a tile have a cumulative effect on its beauty; i.e. a granite chunk (beauty of -10) on a carpeted floor (beauty of +2) gives the tile a net beauty...