The Pick Up And Haul Mod works in unison with AllowTool’s Haul Urgently, Combat Extended and Simple Sidearms (with the chunk limitation, read above). If you want to remove this mod from your game, draft everybody before doing it. Additional credits: Erdelf and Why_is_that for code and...
Works great with AllowTool's Haul Urgently. QOL Mods that are actually people's common sense. Common Sense: A lot of minor but making sense pawn behavior improvements. Pickup and Haul: Haul more than 1 items at once. While You Are Nearby: Pawns are more likely to do jobs nearby instead...
at AllowTool.Designator_HaulUrgently.CanDesignateThing (Verse.Thing t) [0x00001] in <265ca9a7207e4e91b7143054729037f5>:0at Verse.Designator.CreateReverseDesignationGizmo (Verse.Thing t) [0x00017] in <957a20e0be784a65bc32cf449445b937>:0- POSTFIX UnlimitedHugs.AllowTool: Void AllowTool.Patches...
This is the beginnings of the mod system. Redid storage allowance system into a nice hierarchy, so you can allow/disallow storage of individual kinds of items in a stockpile, or do it by categories. All with a nice collapsible-category interface. AI's now haul construction-blocking items to...
Colonists don’t eat raw food unless urgently hungry or starving. Stonecutter's table now requires research. Added a simple planning designation that does nothing so people can plan base layouts early. Added a glow to the button that a tutor concept is talking about. Easier to learn. Started...
DesignatorHaulThingsDesc "标记需要搬到储存区的石块等物品。不需要对食物和尸体之类使用,这些物品默认为可搬运物品。" MustHaulHaulables "只能标记可搬运但不会被自动搬运的物品。(比如岩石堆和钢渣)" DesignatorHunt "狩猎" DesignatorHuntDesc "标记需要被猎人猎取的动物。" DesignatorMine "开采" DesignatorMineDesc...
DesignatorHaulThingsDesc "標記需要搬到儲存區的垃圾等物品。不需要對食物和屍體使用,此類項目會自動完成。" MustHaulHaulables "只能標記可搬運但不會被自動搬運的物品。(如垃圾)" DesignatorHunt "狩獵" DesignatorHuntDesc "標記要由獵人狩獵的動物。" DesignatorMine "開採" DesignatorMineDesc "標記要開採的岩石。
DesignatorHaulThingsDesc "Mark rock chunks and other items to be hauled to dumping areas. Not needed for things like food or corpses, which are always haulable." MustHaulHaulables "Can only designate haulable but non-always-hauled things (like rock chunks)." DesignatorHunt "Hunt" DesignatorHu...