活力水戒断Go-juice withdrawal 类型 成瘾品 描述 简直昏头了,无法正常思考,我的腿变得好沉重,浑身上下都疼痛难忍,为什么我的眼睛什么也看不清? 效果 -22 持续时间 N/A 可否叠加 No 最大堆叠上限 N/A 活力水戒断(Go-juice withdrawal)是游戏Rimworld中的一种想法。
要知道,药物是可以修改心情的,参考活力水,我们增加一个心情的定义 参考活力水心情GoJuiceWithdrawal 修改一番之后,我们再进入游戏里测试 哈迪斯现在会增加心情了 到此,6个定义完整的构建了哈迪斯药物 这个东西理解完毕后,可以自己对比一下简单的药物定义Penoxycyline佩诺西林,以及其他复杂的药物定义,很容易就能掌握药物...
Go-juicewithdrawal:−10% Psychite (Flake/Yayo/Psychite tea) withdrawal:−20% Wake-upwithdrawal:−25% Anesthetic Wearing off:−10% Woozy:−20% Hypothermia Shivering:−8% Minor:−20% Serious:−50% Hypothermic slowdown Moderate:−20% ...
"A chemical addiction to go-juice. Long-term presence of go-juice has caused neurological adaptations at the cellular level, so the brain can no longer function properly without the drug. Without regular doses of go-juice, withdrawal symptoms will begin. However, extended abstinence will force ...
This averages to 3 psychotic wanderings during each withdrawal.Analysis[edit]Flake is one of three drugs that can be produced from psychoid leaves, the others being psychite tea and yayo. Go-juice is a derivative of yayo. In general, flake is better for selling, not using. Drug[edit]...
Go-juice High:+50% Withdrawal:−50% Luciferiumhigh:+5% Yayohigh:+15% Psychite (Flake/Yayo/Psychite tea) withdrawal:−20% Smokeleaf High:−10% Withdrawal:−15% Wake-up High:+10% Withdrawal:−20% Anesthetic Wearing off:−5% ...
Go-Juice – Synthetic futuristic combat drug. Boost speed and fighting capacity tremendously. Addictive. Luciferium – Glitterworld mechanites that give huge bonuses to most capacities. However, without repeated doses the user goes insane and dies. It is impossible to clear the addiction, and the...
Bionic heart: 125% part efficiency for effectively+25%blood pumping. Prosthetic heart: 80% part efficiency for effectively−20%blood pumping. Offsets[edit] Go-juicewithdrawal:−20% Luciferiumhigh:+15% Fibrous mechanites:+50%
Go-juice withdrawal: +50% Gut worms: +100% Stomach implants: Reprocessor stomach: −25% Nuclear stomach: −75% Note that the effect of these implants is displayed on the item and hediff info cards as a multiplier (x75% and x25% respectively), but they work like an offset on ...
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