or their wounds may become permanent.{0}Treat them by sending them to a medical bed.(First, assign a medical bed by selecting it and toggling it into a medical bed. Then, select the wounded colonists and right-click on the medical bed to make them a patient.)" AlertHypothermia "Hypother...
Freezing "过冷" Overheating "过热" RuinedByTemperature "因极端温度受损。" CorpsePercentMissing "身体部位缺失" HiveReproducesIn "巢穴繁殖时间" BrokenDown "故障" BondBrackets "(牵绊)" Fuel "燃料" FuelLevelGizmoLabel "燃料" SetTargetFuelLevel "设定目标燃料量至{0}" SetPodLauncherTargetFuelLevel "...
On "開啟" Off "關閉" PowerSwitch_Power "電力" JoyTolerances "娛樂值" MilkFullness "產奶進度" WoolGrowth "產毛進度" EggProgress "孵化進度" Fertilized "已受精" ProgressStoppedUntilFertilized "孵化進度已停止(未受精)" SkillTooLow "需要等級{2}的{0},目前只有{1}級。" Freezing "過冷" Overheati...