Pollution stimulus (minor): Moving x110% Consciousness +5% Pollution stimulus (moderate): Moving x115% Consciousness +5% Pollution stimulus (maximum): Moving x120% Consciousness +5% Pollution Mitigation[edit] For dealing withwastepacksthemselves, seeToxic wastepack#Disposal. ...
thoughseedscan be bought from traders. They clean only 20% as fast as aWastepack atomizer, and can only clean if there is no artificial buildings in the area, but will erasepollutiondirectly from the ground. This is also a downside for dealing with future pollution, as these trees do not...
If set to dormant self-charging, they instead recharge for 1% power / day, without pollution. They recharge in a mech recharger (200W), for 50% power/day, creating 15 wastepacks whenever the recharger's waste is filled up. Combat[edit]...
"A loose collection of violent pirate bands made up primarily of wasters - xenohumans engineered to thrive around toxins and pollution. They have little interest in building, or farming, preferring to take their sustenance from others using violence. Their technology level depends mostly on who th...
Atomizers are the primary, consequence-free means of dealing with pollution, along with polux trees. Pollution can cause negative effects over time, and you will run out of space by simply freezing wastepacks. Dumping, whenever by caravan, transport pod, or shuttle, has their own cost. Dumpin...
Unlike the crashed ship part, the defoliator will not create pollution. This building can affect up to a 100 tile radius from its the bottom-left corner. The affected radius rapidly expands to 18 tiles in 1.5 days, then expands to 40 tiles after 6 total days, before reaching the final ...
Revision history of "Pollution" Last updated 21 days ago View logs for this page Diff selection: Mark the radio boxes of the revisions to compare and hit enter or the button at the bottom. Legend:(cur)= difference with latest revision,(prev)= difference with preceding revision,m= minor ...
Editing Pollution (section) Last updated 8 hours ago Warning:You are not logged in. Your IP address will be publicly visible if you make any edits. If youlog inorcreate an account, your edits will be attributed to your username, along with other benefits....
Warning:You are not logged in. Your IP address will be publicly visible if you make any edits. If youlog inorcreate an account, your edits will be attributed to your username, along with other benefits. AdvancedSpecial charactersHelp
Pollution Retaliation raid Strategies not displayed Pollution Retaliation raid notifications do not include a description of the raid type (Siege, breacher, ect) Cumulative overdoes not explained anywhere Total absence of UI detailing how Cumulative Overdoses work ...