Your colonists will need places to sleep especially on their first night. Keep in mind that colonists don’t like sharing a room. You also have to maintain the room’s temperature between 21° Celsius and 25° Celsius. Solution Build a room for each colonist. For the first night, a simpl...
A barracks, kitchen, and dining room (tables and chairs). Mood managed so that colonists won't go on mental breaks. You got to a point where life threat is external rather than internal. Basic Defense[edit] For a more in-depth guide see Defense structures. For strategies on defeating the...
It also allows some debug settings, for example unlimited power, toggling damage, fast research, instant recruit, faster learning (i.e. instant boost to lv 20 upon doing a task), ecology, crafting, caravans, etc. Write Storyteller will add all of the raid point calculation data, ...
中英页面对照表 本页面列出了已过时的英文->中文页面列表。用于替代大量英文重定向页面。 内容来源于Wiki曾经有的过时的英文重定向页面。可能有重复、遗漏和错误。 警告:此页面不应用于翻译,仅用于翻新查询、模板和模块时的参考对照。 英中文页面对照表
RimWorld is not a forgiving game, even less so for inexperienced players. It can often feel overwhelming to figure out what to prioritize, given how fast things can (and will) go wrong. In this guide, I'll walk you through some general tips and suggestions for your first couple of games...
Room size requirements are also quite odd in the base game. You’re required to take up 12 tiles for a “tight” room, just to have your colonist complain that it’s too small? The mod lowers room requirements to better match realistic house sizes. It’s great for maximizing space and...
TurningOnPrisonerBedWarning "Turning on prisoner mode affects the whole room (since prisoners and colonists cannot sleep in the same room).These people will lose ownership of their beds:" TurningOffPrisonerBedWarning "Turning off prisoner mode affects the whole room (since prisoners and colonists ca...
The ship's machine persona was like a third parent to [PAWN_objective], and the parts crafting crew [PAWN_pronoun] worked for was like a second family.\n\n[PAWN_nameDef] rarely saw plants or animals, and still finds them unnerving to touch. --> <ShipBoy89.description>[PAWN_nameDef...
And here…is our guest cell-I-mean-room! Don’t mind the sand floor. Or the cinderblock walls. Or the shallow hole in the ground that certainly wasn’t a prison toilet. We buy some meds from the visitors, but, oddly enough, they end up “disappointed by their stay” and leave quick...
{{See also|Small shelf}} {{Infobox main|furniture | name = Shelf | image = Shelf south.png | description = A shelf for storing miscellaneous items. Items stored in this will not affect room beauty and they won't deteriorate, even if outside. | type = Building | type2 = Furniture |...