schedule, it is not the worst and everyone’s needs are just about taken care of. Obviously like everything in this game, there are many variables when deciding what will work best for your world. Factors to consider when setting up a schedule are: night owls, partners, and those with ...
Production BasicsMenusGame CreationGameplayPawnsPlantsResourcesGearMods MenusArchitectWorkScheduleAssignAnimalsWildlifeResearchQuestsWorldHistoryFactionsMenu Architect MenuOrdersZoneStructureProductionFurniturePowerSecurityMiscFloors RecreationShipTemperatureSpecialIdeology (Buildings)Biotech (Buildings)Anomaly (Buildings)...
Production The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead. BasicsMenusGame CreationGameplayPawnsPlantsResourcesGearMods MenusArchitectWorkScheduleAssignAnimalsWildlifeResearchQuestsWorld...
Vents can have any building in front of it, but no walls. Vents work best when connecting directly to a climate controlled room. Trying to chain vents across smaller rooms will lead to each successive room getting less effective climate control, and connecting to a hallway won't work well ...
Fix: Rare exception when changing the "Allowed area" restriction of a colonist in the Schedule tab, while the colonist is performing certain multi-step actions (such as being in the middle of reloading a mortar). Fix: Gloomlight would prevent a Sun lamp from producing "brightly lit" cells ...
PawnsWithLifeThreateningDiseaseDesc "People are at risk of death because of severe illness:{0}Make sure that they get the best medical possible." PawnsWithLifeThreateningDiseaseAmputationDesc "People are at risk for death because of severe illness:{0}If possible, consider amputating or replacing i...
If a pawn is already asleep when this scheduled activity begins, they will wake up to work. Note that when a pawn's rest need reaches zero, they will eventually fall asleep in their current location (e.g., the ground), regardless of their schedule, and wake up at 20% rest need. ...
Schedule[edit] Next to the Work tab is the Schedule tab. It contains 4 different settings: Anything: If tired, go sleep. If bored, go recreate (relax). Otherwise work. Recreation: If tired, go sleep. Then recreate. Once recreation meter is full, work. Work: Work. Ignore all needs...
The Work tab calls this job "Dark Study". After researching the Void provocation ritual, you can optionally summon an entity event on your schedule rather than waiting for the storyteller to do it. The ritual prioritizes sending entities you have not encountered. ...