Play online, access classic NES™ and Super NES™ games, and more with a Nintendo Switch Online membership. This game supports:Save Data Cloud Learn more Digital best sellers WARNING: If you have epilepsy or have had seizures or other unusual reactions to flashing lights or patterns, consult...
Veuillez vous assurer de disposer de suffisamment d'espace de stockage pour terminer le téléchargement. Lecontrat relatif au compte Nintendos'applique à l'achat de ce contenu. À propos des précommandes L'utilisation d'un appareil ou d'un logiciel non autorisé permettant des modification...
PLAY NOW ON PS4, XBOX ONE, NINTENDO SWITCH, AND PC PLAY RiME WATCH TRAILER ► RiME A boy awakes on the beach of a mysterious island. Discover yourself in the world of RiME, a beautiful puzzle adventure game where the mystical island you explore - and the massive tower at its ...
Nintendo Switch Release Date For Ico-Esque Adventure Game Rime Revealed Here's when you'll be able to check out the Switch version of Rime. Five Days After Launch, Rime Gets Cracked And Now The Studio Has A Promise To Keep The studio said it would remove Denuvo DRM when the game got ...
Rime is out now on Nintendo Switch and here's the first 15 minutes of the game. Nov 21, 2017 3:50am 1 RiME - Launch Trailer Prepare for an epic adventure in RiME, available today on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. May 26, 2017 6:08pm Rime Video Review Is Rime worth your...
《RiME》预计于五月在 Steam、PlayStation 4、Xbox One 和 Nintendo Switch 上发布。虚幻引擎 4 现已免费。 编者按:PCGamesN 选择了几款迷人的虚幻引擎游戏,采访了其开发者,从而制作出长篇连载的“在虚幻引擎中制作游戏”系列。Epic 对编写过程没有施加影响。
平台: PC/PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch/XSX 别名: 霜雪/ 觅 开发商: Tequila Works 发行商: Grey Box 预计上市时间: 2017-05-26 发行日期: 2017-05-26 豆瓣评分 8.6 679人评价 5星 50.2% 4星 30.0% 3星 17.2% 2星 2.1% 1星 0.4% 想玩在玩玩过...
Rimewill now launch on Nintendo Switch, Windows PC and Xbox One as well as PlayStation 4, as seen at the very end of the trailer.IGNreports that the game is due in May, and more information iscoming soon. As we wait, we’ll continue to replay this gorgeous gameplay trailer, which te...
类型 平台游戏,解谜游戏,冒险游戏 开发商 Tequila Works 发行商 Grey Box(),Six Foot() 首发日期 5/26/2017 发售日期 5/26/2017(Xbox One - 北美)5/26/2017(PlayStation 4 - 欧洲)5/26/2017(PlayStation 4 - 北美)11/17/2017(Nintendo Switch - 欧洲)11/14/2017(Nintendo Switch - 北美)5/26/201...
原PS4独占《Rime》基本确认登陆PC 或还登陆Switch PS4独占《Rime》将跨PC 索尼投资遭“叛变” PS4独占游戏《Rime》仍在开发中 将在科隆展现身 GC14:《Rime》新预告 旺达与巨像一样的文艺 [资讯]PSN欧美服2月会免公布 动作游戏搭配解密佳作 [资讯]官方移除D加密《Rime》免安装正式版下载发布 [资讯]《Ri...