2018年的某一天,闲来无事在网上搜索美国知名的徒步路线,翻阅到了张诺亚小姐写的大峡谷rim-to-rim-to-rim双重穿越,十分向往。奈何心有余而力不足,一想到单日要徒步72公里,6036米海拔升降,11万步,不免心虚腿也虚。转念一想,rim-to-rim-to-rim不行,行程腰斩,rim-to-rim或许可以一试。 2019年一月的某一天,...
Insider tips, video, turn by turn directions, planning, training, and everything you need to know to plan and hike a Rim to Rim Grand Canyon adventure.
Grand Canyon South Rim Tours are the most popular tours at Grand Canyon. Learn more about self-drive tours, rafting, hiking, airplane and helicopter tours.
Gear for the Rim-to-Rim Grand Canyon To succeed and stay safe on the Rim-to-Rim, you’ll need to pack smart. Temperatures can vary wildly between the rim and the canyon floor and between day and night, so bring layers: in colder weather, a t-shirt, long joh...
那是2018年的11月底。通往大峡谷国家公园(Grand Canyon National Park)北缘(North Rim)的公路还残留着斑斑白雪。 感恩节冰凉的气温劝退了大部分游客,沿着鬼斧神工般开凿在岩壁上的North Kaibab Trail曲折而下,我们仅仅碰到了三个登山客:年轻的一男一女和一位年长的女性。
No picture ever will do justice to what you see when you look at the Grand Canyon. We took the Rocky Mountain railroad from Arizona into the train station at the Canyon and were picked up by a Ranger for a tour. Water is available for free and you can als...
Along the South Rim, the Rim Trail at Grand Canyon is one of the easiest scenic routes to hike despite being 13 miles long.
The Grand Canyon North Rim is very close to the Utah Border. It is requires more effort to visit the North Rim than it does to visit the South Rim. It is more remote and less visitor will make it to the North side. It is further from any freeways, it is ONLY open seasonally from...