找到后,Riksbyggen 部署了 Blue Prism 智能数字劳动力。Riksbyggen 最初以 10 个自动化流程为目标,如今已实现 55 个流程的自动化,并在整个业务中节省了令人印象深刻的时间。通过将交付给其 4,300 个租户业主协会客户的服务自动化,Riksbyggen 每年节省 30,000 小时。人类工作人员需要 150 个小时才能完成余...
Sundling Kickén为瑞典住宅公司Riksbyggen完成了最新的项目,这为今年提供了源源不断的灵感。 Providing a steady stream of inspiration this year, Sundling Kickén have completed their latest project for Swedish housing company Riksbyggen. 在一个温暖、中性色调的漂亮公寓里,Evalotta和Elin执行了他们的想法,...
Daniella Cesarei Photography Daniella Cesarei Photography Riksbyggen-hyllie-4 Daniella Cesarei Photography Daniella Cesarei Photography Daniella Cesarei Photography Daniella Cesarei Photography Daniella Cesarei Photography Daniella Cesarei Photography Riksbyggen...
The article reports that the company owned by building unions, Riksbyggen has outsourced its invoice scanning process to the company Aditro. The contract entails Aditro to manage approximately 600,000 invoices annually. The company selected Aditro as it offers continuous process improvement through ...
马尔默,是瑞典第三大城市,位于瑞典南部,踞守波罗的海海口,厄勒海峡东岸。这里望的见海峡对面的丹麦首都哥本哈根。得天独厚的地理优势拥有壮观开阔的视野,这是Riksbyggen将办公室选择此处的原因。 办公室共有两层,一楼营造开放、温暖和热情的氛围。会议室与陈列室交替穿插布局,一旁是优雅惬意的咖啡吧。公司盛情邀请...
Development of work procedures concerning project handover on RiksbyggenJohanna Persson