Riken Americas is a custom compounder of flexible and rigid PVC along with TPE for a variety of industries. We currently service customers throughout North America including Canada and Mexico. Learn More About Us Applications We are committed to providing High Performance Plastics Compounds that meet...
(DT) and store fixture markets. In addition, Riken has long been manufacturing quality high gloss foil, which is used for contemporary kitchen doors, store fixtures and appliances. We are now producing Rivestar, a non-PVC foil for those environmentally conscious projects. Known for superior UV ...
Wire & Cable Riken Americas also offers high MW flexible PVC that provide increased compression set, low temperature performance, and a rubber like feel. These materials can be overmolded / co-extruded with other PVC compounds and can replace Melt Processable Rubber (MPR) in most applications. C...
RIKEN理研奥普士M11-HF密封型护目镜防飞尘156*5513*4803 M11-HF 不带工作台10 个 / 盒 框架由高透明软 PVC 制成(密封型,无通风口)名字M11-HF 不带工作台 标准和特性 JIS 标准品99.9% 紫外线防护可与眼镜一起使用可更换镜头口罩可以一起使用 颜色镜框颜色:○ 透明 材料镜框 : 软PVC 镜片 : 聚...
Rimtec 43051 is a high impact compound for extrusion of interior and exterior rigid PVC profiles where a low to medium gloss surface finish is required. UV stabilizer can be added upon request.
Rimtec 3257 UV Natural is a semi-rigid PVC extrusion compound. 属性 加工 ご購入方法 一般的な属性 Prospectorで無料のアカウントを作成し、Rimtec PVC 3257 UV NATURALのデータシート詳細すべてにアクセスします。そこで、物理、機械、硬度仕様に関するすべての情報をご覧ください 材料ステー...
PVC|美国西湖化学|1601 ¥ 11601.00 PBT|北京九州人杰|PBT-403-M-G30 ¥ 28564.00 ABS|美国舒尔曼|17 ¥ 23287.00 PS(EPS)|克罗地亚DIOKI|E-3 ¥ 27440.00 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 咨询底价 牌号: ER2084 生厂商: 日本Riken 品种: SBC 供货地: 广东省东莞市 SBC|日本Riken|ER2084...
1、PVC/Karina BLUE COLOR CONCENTRATE -E 06/ 40-RG-PO/巴西Karina 色母料 2、VLDPE/Clearflex® MQ B0/意大利Versalis 以下数据由:PBT塑料胶粒http://pbtsl.com/ 提供 长期供应SBC Leostomer® SR2244原材料 !关于Leostomer® SR2244注塑温度(成型温度),Leostomer® SR2244缩水率,Leostomer® SR224...
理研保鲜膜【加厚】 厂家直销PVC大卷 食品级保鲜膜2530 35cm 理研创新(北京)塑料制品有限公司12年 回头率:0% 北京市昌平区 ¥17000.00 日本理研RX-8000 泵吸式复合气体检测仪 防爆式可燃性气体分析仪 测量范围 0~100%LEL/-100vo1%(HC/CH4),0-25vol%(氧气) ...
理研保鲜膜【加厚】 厂家直销PVC大卷 食品级保鲜膜2530 35cm 理研创新(北京)塑料制品有限公司12年 回头率:0% 北京市昌平区 ¥500.00 《原厂授权经销》原装全新台湾理研RikenBTH-A25 深圳市百力威电子有限公司13年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市