一个不了解Rihanna的语言学家在听过“Umbrella”后可能会推断这位歌手生于上世纪八十年代的威斯康星,父亲是南波士顿人,母亲是牙买加裔,从小在英式礼仪学校度过冬天。 Rihanna如同被屡次倒换的电波信号一样的口音,可以部分地被归结为美国文化同化的离心现象。“为了访谈和商业谈判,我必须得学着稍微调整自己的口音,”Rihanna...
三专中红透全球的Umbrella还给riri拿到了人生的第一座格莱美。 在格莱美的成功后,2009年格莱美前夕,Chris Brown的家暴事件又震惊了整个美国。 有很多人对这个20出头流行新星的音乐前途倒吸一口凉气,也有很多人说没几个女歌手可以捱过这样的丑闻。 Rihanna则用新的音乐证明她可以。 三剑客 与Jay-Z还有Kanye合作的《Ru...
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Tom Holland's full performance of Rihanna's “Umbrella" on Lip Sync Battle. He did that. TOM HOLLAND DID THAT EVER… https://t.co/RKqZIEeYt5 Mon May 08 11:33:45 UTC+0000 2017 Reply Retweet Favorite He started off with a little Singin' in the Rain... Tap to play GIF MTV ...
Rihanna might have added the titles ‘actor’ and ‘entrepreneur’ to her curriculum vitae but her devoted fans will always know her best for being a singer. During her career, the ‘Umbrella’ crooner has won nine Grammy Awards, eight Billboard Music Awards, seven MTV Video Music Awards ...