from China I can get Rigol HDO914S for a bit more than Siglent SDS804X HD in Europe or the same price as SDS814X HD. By my estimation (UK reseller pricing), that's around 120 to 150 USD premium for the 914S, over the DHO804 from europe?If so, unless you attach significant ...
普源RIGOL便携式数字示波器DHO802/812/DHO804/814高分辨率 DHO802/812/DHO804/814 39996 普源 -- ¥1999.0000元1~-- 台 深圳市创联信息科技有限公司 2年 -- 立即订购 查看电话 QQ联系 RIGOL普源DS8000-R系列数字示波器 工业自动化测试仪