Wylie, Rigidity of gradient Ricci solitons, Pacific J. Math. 241 (2009), 329-345.P. Petersen and W. Wylie, "Rigidity of gradient Ricci solitons", Pacific J. Math. 241 (2009), 329-345.Rigidity of gradient Ricci solitons, Pacific J. Math. 241 (2009), 329-345....
Journal of differential geometryB. Kotschwar and L. Wang, Rigidity of Asymptotically Conical Shrinking Gradient Ricci Solitons, J. Differential Geom. (to appear).B. Kotschwar, L. Wang, Rigidity of asymptotically conical shrinking gradient Ricci solitons, J. Differential Geom. 100 (2015), no. 1...
in Global Differential Geometry and Global Analysis, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 838 (Springer, Berlin, 1981), pp. 42u201363] and studied in [H.-D. Cao, Geometry of Ricci solitons, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B27(2) (2006) 121u2013142] and we classify noncompact gradient shrinker...
RIGIDITYOFQUASI-EINSTEINMETRICS JEFFREYCASE,YU-JENSHU,ANDGUOFANGWEI Abstract.Wecallametricquasi-Einsteinifthem-Bakry-EmeryRiccitensor isaconstantmultipleofthemetrictensor.ThisisageneralizationofEinstein metrics,whichcontainsgradientRiccisolitonsandisalsocloselyrelatedto theconstructionofthewarpedproductEinsteinmetrics....
Mathematics On stability and rigidity of gradient Ricci solitons LEHIGH UNIVERSITY Huai-Dong Cao ZhuMengPerelman's Ricci steady and shrinker entropies, λ() and ν(), and the Ricci expander entropy, ν(), introduced by Feldman-Ilmanen-Ni are nondecreasing along the Ricci flow and their critical...
( M , g ) is said to be a gradient Ricci soliton if there exists a smooth function \\\(f: M ightarrow \\\mathbb{R}\\\) such that \\\(\\\displaystyle{ Rc + H_{f} =\\\lambda g, }\\\) where Rc denotes the Ricci tensor, H f is the Hessian of the function f ...
We prove that an n-dimensional (n >= 4) gradient shrinking Ricci soliton with fourthorder divergence free Riemannian curvature tensor (i.e. div(4)Rm = 0) is rigid. In particular, such a soliton in dimension 4 is either Einstein, or a finite quotient of R-4, R-2 x S-2 or R x...
Let (M , g , f) be a four-dimensional complete noncompact gradient shrinking Ricci soliton with the equation Ric 2 f = λ g , where λ is a positive real number. We prove that if M has constant scalar curvature S = 2 λ , it must be a quotient of 2 × 2...
As an application of this formula, we obtain a necessary condition for entropy stable shrinkers in terms of the least eigenvalue and its multiplicity of certain Lichnerowicz type operator associated to the second variation.;Finally, we study the rigidity of gradient Kahler-Ricci solitons with ...
Rigidity of asymptotically conical shrinking gradient Ricci solitons. J. Differential Geom., 100(1):55-108, 2015.Kotschwar, B., Wang, L.: Rigidity of asymptotically conical shrinking gradient Ricci solitons. J. Differ. Geom. 100(1), 55-108 (2015)...