1. 刚体变换(Rigid Body Transformations) 在欧几里得空间中运动的粒子的运动描述是通过给出粒子在每一时刻相对于惯性笛卡尔坐标系的位置来实现的。具体来说,我们选择一组三个正交坐标轴,使用三维数组(x,y,z)∈R3 指定粒子的位置,其中每个坐标表示粒子位置在相应坐标轴上的投影。粒子的轨迹由参数化曲线 p(t)=(x...
5 力旋量和互易旋量(Wrenches and Reciprocal Screws) 在这一节中,我们考虑作用在刚体上的力(forces)和力矩(moments),并以此来介绍旋量系统和互易旋量的概念。 5.1 力旋量(Wrenches) 作用在刚体上的广义力由作用在一点上的线性分量(纯力pure force)和角分量(纯力矩pure moment)组成。我们可以把这个广义力表示为R6...
必应词典为您提供rigid-bodymotion的释义,网络释义: 刚体运动;刚体位移;
Rigid-Body Motion(旋转变换\Screw motion\Spatial velocities\Force) SE(3)=T=[Rp01]SE(3)=T=[Rp01]SE(3)是一个4X4的矩阵.它具有的性质如下:两个SE(3)的乘积仍是一个SE(3) SE(3)的逆: $$T{-1}=\begin{bmatrix}RT&-R^Tp\0&1\end{bmatrix}$$ T=(R,p)∈R3,x,y∈R3T=(R,p)∈R3...
translational and rotational motion of real bodies without the necessity of considering the complications involved when changes in size and shape occur. Many of the principles used to treat the motion of rigid bodies apply in good approximation to the motion of real elastic solids.SeeRigid-body ...
The center of mass of a rigid body is defined. The concept of the moment of inertia is introduced and shown to be intimately related to angular momentum. The equations of motion (translational and rotational) of a rigid body are written. Conservation of angular momentum of a rigid body is ...
内容提示: Chapter 7Rigid Body MotionThe motion of extended objects requires a new set of tools and some new methodsas well. We begin with the introduction of the moment of inertia tensor and developthe relations combining it with the angular velocity of a rigid body and its kineticenergy or...
rigidbodymotion 精密机械 transformations rot pennsylvania rotation TransformationsUniversityofPennsylvania1RigidBodyTransformationsVijayKumarTransformationsUniversityofPennsylvania2RemarkaboutNotationVectorslx,y,a,…lAxlu,v,p,q,…MatriceslA,B,C,…lAABlg,h,…PotentialforConfusion!TransformationsUniversityofPennsylvania3...
The center of mass of a rigid body is defined. The concept of the moment of inertia is introduced and shown to be intimately related to angular momentum. The equations of motion (translational and rotational) of a rigid body are written. Conservation of angular momentum of a rigid body is ...
Cryo-tomography reveals rigid-body motion and organization of apicomplexan invasion machinery Long Gui, William J. O’Shaughnessy, Kai Cai, Evan Reetz, Michael L. Reese & Daniela Nicastro Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 1775 (2023) Cite this article 5507 Accesses 12 Citations...