Deformable versus rigid registration of PET/CT images for radiation treatment planning of head and neck and lung cancer patients:a retrospective dosimetric comparison. Fortin D,Basran P S,Berrang T,et al. Radiation Oncology . 2014Fortin D, Basran PS, Berrang T, et al. Deformable versus rigid...
Image registration (IR) is an important step in calculating cumulative doses from different plans created based on multiple image data sets.Rigid image registration(RIR) is a simple approach based on anatomic correspondence (typically gray-level) that allows for relatively precise positioning of ≥...
Deformable registration showed that PTV margins of 3∼5 mm, as often used for head‐neck and brainIMRT, are marginally adequate to account for the residual offsets which can not be fully corrected by couch shifts alone. 展开 关键词: Medical imaging Brain Image analysis Intensity modulated ...
Symmetry and self-similarity are the cornerstone of Nature, exhibiting themselves through the shapes of natural creations and ubiquitous laws of physics. Since many natural objects are symmetric, the absence of symmetry can often be an indication of some anomaly or abnormal behavior. Therefore, detect...
deformablemodelanddiffeomorphicnonrigidregistration ZHANGYaonan,WANGXiaotong,CHENChuanshen,LIHongliang,KANGYan SinoDutchBiomedicalandInformationEngineeringSchool,NortheasternUniversity,Shenyang110819 【Abstract】ObjectiveInordertoobtainrobustandreliableultrasoundstrainimages,thispaperpresents animprovedmethodofstrainestimationfrom...
P29.01 Deformable vs. Rigid Registration in Evaluating Composite Doses to Central Organs at Risk in Thoracic Reirradiationdoi:10.1016/j.jtho.2021.08.396D. CooperRadiation Oncology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond/VA/USC. GuyRadiation Oncology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond/VA/US...
Methods: In 101 consecutive patients, liver and tumor were delineated on pre-TARE images and semi-automatically transferred on 90Y-PET/CT images with a rigid or deformable registration approach. Pre- and post-TARE volumes and DT/DNTL/DL were compared using correlation coefficient (C...
Conclusion: Rigid and deformable registration was performed on the provided datasets. The technique was found to perform better on datasets with higher signal to noise ratio and without sudden respiratory motions.Devavrat LikhiteGanesh AdluruEdward DiBella...
We investigated the long-term transition of geometrical accuracy of a commercially available rigid and deformable image registration (RIR, DIR) software product, MIM Maestro, in livers of patients who underwent proton beam therapy (PBT). Methods: Image registration of pre-treatment and post-treatment...
D. Likhite, G. Adluru, and E. DiBella, "Deformable and rigid model- based image registration for quantitative cardiac perfusion," in Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart-Imaging and Modelling Challenges, New York, NY, USA: Springer, 2015, pp. 41-50....