右击收割 Right-Click-Harvest Mod 右击收割模组(Right-Click-Harvest)是一款非常实用的模组,模组中增加了右击收获作物的功能,不再需要手动重新种植!玩家可简单地右击作物进行收获和重新种植(可通过ModMenu或者json文件修改配置),若使用时运附魔工具右击有和原版一样效果。这也适用于转基因作物。 右击收割 Right-Click-H...
右击收割(Right-Click-Harvest)Mod,玩家可简单地右击作物进行收获和重新种植(可通过ModMenu或者json文件修改配置),若使用时运附魔工具右击有和原版一样效果。 下载地址 提取码:a393安装教程 安卓 ios windows10 相关文章 我的世界极限生存100天整合包|ArctiCraft by Forge Labs740 我的世界Ocean Outlast海洋终结者...
What are the dependencies of this mod?Architectury API and JamLib are required, as well as Fabric API on Fabric. For any questions not listed above, please join the Discord by clicking on the banner below. Please report any bugs to theGitHub page....
RightClickHarvest is a mod for Fabric and NeoForge that allows harvesting crops and plants with just a right click. Right click to harvest crops, replanting the seeds automatically. Harvest all vanilla crops, including cocoa beans, cactus, sugar cane, and more. ...
After it is fully grown, right click to the crop. Expected behavior: The onion Item normally should be drops like the other crops. Screenshots Mod list: Farmer's delight version: 1.16.3-0.2.3 (Latest) Forge Version: 34.1.35 Minecraft version: 1.16.3 ...
This mod adds compatibility between RightClickHarvest and Supplementaries. It allows you to right-click-harvest Flax. It currently only supports Minecraft 1.20.1. If you are interested in support for other versions, please reach out via Discord or GitHub.CurseForge...
A mod that actually works with right click harvest for both Forge and Fabric. There are a ton of options out there. All require an external library and they are flaky! Either they don't work at all, or require manual configuration for all the common farming and foods mods (and there ar...